Hi All,
I teach k-4 computers in a small independent Jewish (reform/egalitarian) day school in Chicago. I'm looking for other teachers around the world to create some type of collaborative project about any Jewish topic.
Hi Faith! I wish I could except I'm at a public school. If I get any ideas, I'll let you know. I am wondering if we can teach a variety of religions. I did hear about a great resource just recently, it's called Bible Raps. I found them on YouTube and they definitely look worth checking out!
Hi Faith, I am the computer and arts resource teacher on a Conservative Egalitarian Religious School in Jacksonville, FL and I am trying to bring the 21st century tools to our school. You could visit my blog to check us. I'll be happy to work with other teachers around the globe and create project together.
My e-mail is morahnomy@gmail.com
Blog: jewlearn-it.blogspot.com
Nomy Szoychen
I am a technology Integration Specialist for three Jewish Day Schools in Boca Raton. I am interested in connecting and learning how you are all using technology in judaic studies. Two of the schools I work with are modern orthodox and the other school is a community day school. Looking forward to connecting!
Hi, Thank you for your responses. Can you email me at my school fshabat@bzaeds.org directly. I'd love to discuss ideas with you. What grades do you teach? Do you have Skype?
I am seeing your post way late. But I have what to say anyway. The simplest easiest tech I use in my Judaic studies classroom is PowerPoint. I PPT each Gemara lesson so the boys have a visual experience as well.