I will lead a professional development session showing teachers how to create a course website. In preparation for this session, I would love for you to tell me why teachers should create a course website. How do you use your course website? What do you want to add to your course website?

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Keep it simple. Students and Parents want to see the calendar and if possible links to class assignments. Posting the course outline or syllabus is a plus as well. Interactive practice quizzes are my students favorite part of my site.
I teach Speech at the high school level. My web site has the directions and rubrics for most of the speeches students will be asked to give in my class. I do try to go in and add due dates and timelines for the speeches as we give them. But I seem to run out of time for that! I also have a resources page that I encourage students to use. On it I have web sites that
they may use when looking for topics, crediting sources or finding a quote.
My course website is largely a repository of materials needed for class. I embed my Google Calendar, then add links and files to whatever we do on a particular day. If we go to the lab, they can find the site we are on easily, and if they are at home bored, or if they are out sick, they can view the presentation from the day, a Jing instructional video, a clip from a movie, or download the worksheet or instructions. I also link the class blog there in case they need it, and offer as many helpful websites as I can think of like Google Docs, Wikipedia, Britannica, Citation machine, Purdue OWL, Sparknotes.com, whatever. I post the rules and regulations for convenience sake, but i know that's not really the point. I found Yola to be a great web host system for people who don't know much about building a website.

Here is one of mine, if you would like to peek. Nothing special, but ready to go for the school year...

Take a look at mine and all of the links, and you can see. MANY uses! I use it for all of my resources and teach from it as well in my Moodle! All homework and notes are there and H159 Online is basically my class online. I can't imagine teaching without one. I have created podcasts which I also have linked out...lots of things.


Just make it simple.

Try to check this one: College Course Online Site

What do you think of it?
Thank you for your responses. Very informative. I quoted some of your responses in my presentation at http://snipurl.com/rg0pc. Please let me know if you have a problem with how I attributed your response. Thanks again.
I use Google Sites for my website. I include general course/lab information, field trip maps. YouTube videos, links to and embeddedPresentations/Documents, class/lab marks, and I have a page of animations. It sounds like a lot but Sites has good layout/organization features.
I've used a course website for mathematics and physics for about 9 years now. I use it as a repository for documents including adobe acrobat files of the daily lessons, interesting images and videos, crossword puzzles, the electronic textbook (in case a student forgets their textbook in their locker and needs to do their homework) and many other documents that can be of use when completing lab write-ups etc. I also have links there to twitter, my wikispaces page, google docs and my blog. All in all, I think I couldn't do this job without my webpage at this point and my students come back after their first few weeks at university and tell me that they really appreciated having everythin online as their prof's do everything online. I host my course websites on a server that sits on my desk. My domain is www.educationalinnovations.com which I was lucky enough to be able to purchase 9 years ago. Feel free to visit but you won't get far as I have accounts for every one of my students.

Sorry to blather on and on but I really love using the web in my class and my students learn alot about how it can be useful as well.



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