Does anyone use Edmodo with their class? I am looking for a private discussion area for my 4th Grade students, and have been looking at this and wikispaces. I like the interface better on Edmodo, but was wondering who else uses it and for what? Are there any good tutorials on how to use it? Where do I get the class code for students to sign up with, and is there a way to bulk create student accounts?


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Take a look at It is pretty awesome for classroom discussions, private, and free.
We have some tutorials at
There's a tutorial at http;// It's pretty self-explanatory. Unfortunately, each student will have to register separately -- but it only takes a minute.

I've been using Edmodo for the past two days in my seventh grade Language Arts classes. We've really just been using it as a way to have a simple discussion about what we've learned in class the previous day, but I'm really happy with it so far. Eventually, I'd like to do some liveblogging of movies we watch in class, or have students use it at home to have a conversation about an assignment.

I recently coerced the math teacher in my building to use it to post links to class-related websites, as well as to allow students to download attachments of class assignments.
Jonathan -

I started using Edmodo this year with my 11th and 12th grade social studies classes. I use it to post links and create discussions. My students also use it on a daily basis to mini-blog an answer to the essential question for the unit. It is great to be able to tag discussions in order to keep track of posts. My AP students also love the calendar feature to keep them on track with their outside reading assignments. Overall, we have been very pleased and the students are much more enthusiastic about it than they ever were when using Moodle or 21Classes, as I had in the past.

I took less than 3 minutes to get the entire class signed up. I have also allowed parents to access to the groups in order for them to track assignments.

Dayna Laur
I've been using Edmodo with a Year 10 (15 year olds) group for a year now. They use it to share resources, ask myself and each other questions, get project support over the summer holidays and to comment and critique on each others work to help improve it.
We also use it to link to videos on you tube and have a class discussion based around it.

To begin with I posted a lot of the messages and content but as the year has gone on the group have really taken ownership and support each other without any input or intervention from me. A fantastic, simple tool.
I have been using edmodo in my eighth grade Language Arts classes for two years. Students love it and parents appreciate the security aspects of the service.I think the privacy features would be especially useful in dealing with elementary aged students. I don't think there is a feature of edmodo we haven't utilized on a regular basis. I, as well as students, have shared files, links, embedded videos, and completed writing assignments. The embed feature is one of our favorites as we use Glogster fairly often. We are lookign forward to the premium version edmodo later this Fall. It is a wonderful communication tool also. I would highly recommend edmodo to any teacher.
Thanks to everyone who has replied so far. Looks like everybody has something nice to say about Edmodo! I signed up as a teacher, so will play with it a bit by myself to see what I can do before letting the students loose on it. Seems like it is mostly used by middle schoolers and above on here, but I think that my 4th Graders will be able to cope with a bit of prompting here and there. If there are any elementary teachers out there using it, I would love to hear from you too!
We actually have many elementary school teachers using Edmodo. Check with as she uses edmodo with 4th graders.
Just started this year. I want to use it mainly as a way to send reminders to students on their cell phones. Last night, I sent out an alert to let students know that if they responded to me, I'd help them answer five test questions today.

I suspect that I'll be getting a lot more cell phone uses.

I haven't needed to use it for much else at this point because we are a 1:1 campus and many of the really cool features they offer are provided by other software we use, but I'd reccomend it to anyone.

It's pretty intuitive and the if you do have a question, their help group is fast and effective.
I have posted on my blog on Edmodo some time earlier. Here is the link and hope this helps. You can also follow the co-founder of Edmodo on twitter zemote. You can tweet him on any queries that you have.
I'm currently using Classblogmeister with my grade 8 students. Anyone know how Edmondo compares to Classblogmeister for creating student blogs? I'm just curious. Thanks
Any new ideas or updates from teachers / classrooms using Edmodo?

I have just started using it with my high school students (English). I am looking to get them more involved in online conversations and out-of-class peer support but would love insight from others with more experience. Currently I have just been posting homework reminders and assignments.

Thanks for sharing!



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