Parentella proposed a panel called Twitter and Education for the 140conf in Los Angeles.

The characters for the panel are Aparna Vashisht, Tom Whitby, Steve Anderson, and Shelly Terrell.

Tom, Steve, and Shelly are the originators of the #Edchat conversation every Tuesday 4 p.m. EST. #Edchat brings together a wide range of participants globally. Teachers, School Administrators, School Leaders, College Professors, Superintendents, Members of School Boards of Education, Parents, politicians and others have all joined the conversation. The previous #Edchat topics have ranged from the role of Standardized Testing in Education, internet filtering in schools to what Schools of Education need to do to better prepare Pre-Service teachers. The most popular #Edchat to date was on the role of Homework in Education with special guest, Alfie Kohn, an outspoken advocate of less homework in schools. (Read more about what #Edchat is here and here)

Aparna Vashisht from Parentella will moderate the panel and discuss Twitter and its role in bringing together educators worldwide to influence policy, changes, and broadening horizons. Parentella is focused on connecting parents and educators to increase involvement in schools.

Some of the topics we will cover are:

• How Twitter is changing the face of Education.
• What it means to tweet about Education.
• How Twitter is enabling global discussions on Education.
• How Twitter is highlighting the good part of Education and what is working now.
• How Twitter will bring together educators and help change what is not working.
• The origin of #Edchat and topics discussed. Last, but not least
• Can 140 characters change Education?

While we await confirmation, we thought that it would be useful to show the organizers that all people interested in Education worldwide will tune into #140conf if this panel were allowed. Secondly, Education is critical issue. A lot of changes will occur and bringing people together to start conversations and raising awareness is key.

We are asking for your support and it is simple. Do one of or all of the following:

Comment here:

Tweet this (copy and paste)
Twitter and Education: A proposed panel. Please support us! #140conf (Please RT!)

Copy and paste this post on your blog.
Comment on our Facebook page:

We want to show the organizers that people want to hear about this issue and will tune in to #140conf when this panel is accepted.

So leave a comment!

More about the 140 conference:

In the spirit of the emerging platform of Twitter, Jeff Pulver (jeffpluver) created the #140 Conference.

"At the #140conf events, we look at twitter as a platform and as a language we speak. Over time it will neither be the only platform nor the only language. #140conf is not an event about microblogging or the place where people share twitter “tips and techniques” but rather where we explore the effects of the real-time Internet. The original scope of #140conf was to explore “the effects of twitter on: Celebrity, “The Media”, Advertising and (maybe) Politics.” Over time the scope expanded to look at the effects of twitter on topics ranging from public safety to public diplomacy." At the conference the audience is treated to over 20 panels and guest per-day, rapid fire style, meaning each presentation only lasts 15-25 minutes. But they are powerful. In the past topics have included the effects of Twitter on Newspapers, Twitters ability to influence music and sports, using Twitter to support the Social Good, and the effects of Twitter on brands." From the #140Conf Website

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