I know this is leaving the social network topic of this site somewhat, but, does anyone use an electronic daybook? Is there a free download anywhere that you've tried and would recommend. Thanks for the help.

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What features are you looking for?
Hello Jonathan. Basically I'm looking for templates for a lesson plan, timetable, month at a glance and long range planning.
I am a special education teacher and therefore, do a bit of travelling up and down the hallways in a day. I need to make it easy for a supply teacher to come in and a) know where to go at what time b) and which students I work with.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
You need to pay for the full version of this, but you can try this on trial...


or a few microsoft templates here...


Personally, I just make my own planner in Word, but maybe some of the above will suit you.
You may want to try a trial of Outlook 2007. The 2007 version has some new tools that were not in previous versions, so be sure to be looking at that release.

Why I recommend it:

Your e-mail is integrated right in to in. This allows flagging and instant addition of an e-mail based task to your to do list. It has a wonderful calendar system with drag and drop features when you need to change the appointment times. The calendar will automatically update to an online version that others can access and you can automate the process by which they can ask for an appointment opening from your schedule. It is easy to prioritize and categorize through many different ways such as ordering of the to do list, color coding the item, and folderizing/heading them. I also use One Note heavily for notes related to course development and preparation. Outlook 2007 and One Note 2007 have very nice integration between them. If I realize I need to add something to my to do list while I am in One Note, I can flag it right there in my One Note page and it automatically is added to my Outlook to-do list. There are One Note templates for lesson plans freely available from the MS site if you would rather have something ready made instead of making something more personally customized to your own style of lesson design. The 2007 editions of each of these titles can output in many shareable/compatible file formats to make it easier to interface with others (OneNote pages can be sent out in e-mail format, Word, or pdf for instance).

If you would like to see how I use these two software titles, let me know. We can meet up in my online classroom and I can application share so that you can see the software running and in use. My e-mail is armoorefam@centurytel.net.



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