Has anyone tried to track Greg Mortenson's travels using Google Earth or Maps while reading Three Cups of Tea? I am going to try this with my 6th graders but was looking for advice to make sure it goes smoothly.


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I have not tried it, but it seems like a great idea! I'd use Google Earth for dramatic effect - start with the US and enter Pakistan to show the earth spinning half way around...Also, the terrain and the natural geography would be much better understood with the satellite imagery of Google Earth or Maps. Since the book talks of building bridges and the harsh mountainous region where he was lost and the villages he subsequently stayed in and eventually worked with, it would be nice for the kids to be able to see exactly which river and which peak (K2) etc...
Thanks, Shuchi! I am looking forward to tracking Greg's journey using Google Earth/Maps. I agree that the book will really come alive using GE.
But we are going to read it this year (I teach sixth grade, too) and wonder if some sort of collaboration later in the year is possible?
What do you think?
Our entire fifth grade and then entire sixth grade will read the book and then launch into some community action project together.
I would love to use Google Earth to do something.
I would be very interested in working on some kind of collaboration effort. We, too, are going to participate in some sort of community action project that would include Pennies for Peace. Let me know if you are interested in working with us in some way. We are located in St. Louis, MO.
I'm looking forward to what you find...I just finished the book, and I was trying to figure out how to introduce this to the kids as part of the Character Education.
Awesome idea! I got a set of the young reader's edition for my fifth graders from Donors Choose. I was thinking of building a resource site with them as we read it.
Our 5th - 8th graders read it last year as the basis for a Pennies for Peace project. Highly recommend it.Google Earth was an important component. We will continue collecting pennies this year.
Hi Betsye,

I have never used Google Earth in this manner before. I was hoping to follow Greg's travels using Google Earth. Did you do follow him as the students read the book?
Did you use place markers?
Did you create a KMZ file? If you created a KMZ file, did you place markers along the way?
I guess I am looking for a way to make the Google Earth trip progressive, meaning, we could add to it as Greg traveled.

Any advice you could give me would be much appreciated.
Hi Debbie,

I learned about Google Lit Trips at an in-service we had on incorporating technology more effectively in our English classrooms. I have yet to use it myself, but I plan to soon. It has several "How-To" segments to walk you through the technical aspects of a class project. Maybe you can send your students' final work to the website for publication. If you have any resources for teaching this book, I would appreciate it. I plan on incorporating it into a unit later this year.



Thanks for reminding me of Google Lit Trips. They had lots of great resources. If the project turns out, I'll see if the kids want me to send it to the website for publication. I think they would like to see their work online.

Thanks, again!

No problem, Debbie. Again, if you have some good resources that you would not mind sharing with me, please email them or send me a link to your website: thebrightestman@gmail.com. I appreciate any help you can provide as I have not taught this book yet but am eager to...
Did you get the picture book Three Cups of Tea or the teen version of the book?

I teach 2nd grade, and we have the picture book.

Let me know. We raise money to donate to CAI in my class.




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