Hi everyone! My name is Tim Pugh and I am a Coordinating Teacher for the Grand Erie DSB's Communication Literacy Project called Virtual GrandE in South Western Ontario, Canada.

I have been hosting NINGS within our board system and just stumbled across Classroom 2.0...it is awesome!

We typically use video conferencing units and portable VC software, as well as SKYPE and some ADOBE CONNECT for learning events. In the past, we have run point-to-point and multi-point synchronous virtual learning events for between 10 and 1200 students at a time, depending on the topic....to much success!

Anyone who is interested in exploring some potential learning connections, please feel free to drop me a line.


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My name is venkat from India and i am in teaching field since 10 years and recently i have started teaching to students thru online video conferencing in this regard please suggest me which software is best for conferencing or any hardware equipment spports for better video streaming? and one more suggestion expecting from you,I want to start online video conference to teach the classes for giving better education in poor schools and quality education in remote area schools with affordable cost but generally students will like reality picture i mean when we will teach on black/white board (not e-board or e-writing pad or tablet) with chalk piece so the problem is not visual full complete picture of black board including my picture through web camera so for this i am breaking my head for solve this problem and how to proceed? either which video camera/ip camera/cc camera will suport for online education or some other else if you know pl suggestion me.
What grade level are you interested in videoconferencing with and what topics?
2nd grade teacher
Warrenville, Illinois
I am interested to teach in video conferencing for poor and slow learner students who are living in rural and remote areas for abacus education(maths) between 4 to 14 years aged students and vedic maths (speed maths and shortcut of mathematics) for 4th grade to 12th grade students and thanking you replied for my discussion in video conferencing..
Hi Tim!

I am quite interested in making a connection for video-conferencing. I am most interested in students being able to connect with students, not necessarily a whole-class with a whole class - although initially this may be useful and preferred. I would love to chat more about this (julie_hearn@sd42.ca).

Hi Tim,
I'm currently doing my Masters, and am exploring students creating PLN's for their own research. That said, I'm working *up* to this and don't have the students into research mode quite yet. My class is a bit unique in that each student has their own laptop, so communication can be quite regular. They all have email accounts too. Also, we use Moodle for our class "home base" - which enables instant messaging and discussions groups and chat rooms and more. Can you email me directly so I can give more info? Send to julie_hearn@sd42.ca.
Hi, I'm also looking to connect my EFL classes with other English speaking classes. We are using www.soenglishglobally.com. The site allows us to video chat through recorded video. This is necessary for us because of the difference in time zones.

I have 13 classes that need to be connected (each with about 30 students). Let me know if you are interested.

Chantelle Manciel
We just got our Polycom HDX7000 VC unit installed this past month so we are new to VCing. What subject areas are you planning on VCing? Please let us know so we may participate.
We are interested. I work at 4 Elementry schools in suburban/urban Ft. Worth, Texas. Is this the grade level you are looking for? We would like to use Skype.
I have the following units available for possible collaboration

6th grade TAG students working on a campaign video for climate change and global warming

8th grade TAG students working on the novel Animal Farm
I have a group of 4th-5th grade Enrichment students who are interested in videoconferencing through Skype. We have hooked up with a class from New Zealand and would like to meet and learn with some friends from the states. My e-mail is: swills@gcs.k12.al.us if anyone is interested.
I am also looking for a student to student connections, thhese would be my first. I have skype to use
I also have 8th grade students



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