Hoping someone can help me here. I have been trying to use my Twitter account from school in a variety of ways, however I am continuously running into a problem. I own a MacBook Pro that I normally bring to school to use in class. Additionally I have three pc's in my classroom.

When I try and go to my Twitter page in school, on the district's network, using my Mac I get the following message: "Safari can’t open the page “https://twitter.com/” because Safari can’t establish a secure connection to the server “twitter.com”."

When I try it from the pc's I normally get Twitter, but it doesn't look like the normal Twitter page. Everything is just sorta listed down the left hand side of the page and no images or graphics appear. If I try to tweet something, it just looks like the page is continuously loading and the tweet never appears.

At the end of the day I leave school and go to my house a mile away and, using my own network, can tweet with no problems. However in school I keep finding the same problem. I have tried it using Safari, Firefox, IE, and Google Chrome without any success. I have contacted out IT department and they are not sure what the problem is. It isn't blocked by our firewall so they say that it should work. Anyone have any insight?

Tags: twitter

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That helps me to get to the page on Safari, but again, the layout looks strange and when I go to update or sign in I get an error message.
This is the error message:
Safari can’t open the page “http://twitter.com/status/update” because the server unexpectedly dropped the connection. This sometimes occurs when the server is busy. Wait for a few minutes, and then try again.

I have tried this continuously and keep getting the same message.

Yes, I have cleared the browser cache
no prob. thanks!
Sometimes that kind of thing will happen accessing sites from within our district because the main url is not blocked but some supplemental url is blocked. Many sites will use another url to access javascript libraries or CSS files, etc. I've had to watch the logs on our filter to see what is being blocked when accessing a page and make adjustments... something your IT dept would need to do.
Thanks! I'll give it a shot.



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