We have a new curriculum coordinator/GT person in our district, and a mandate from the state that we create some kind of GT proposal for the arts (visual, music, theater, dance) K-12. The curriculum person is asking for the Fine Arts team input . . . and none of us have any GT credentials, nor has our district ever had an arts GT program. Rather than forfeit any input on the proposal, I'd love to see some examples of GT Arts programs that are working. Does anyone have one for their school or district that they could share?? We're a small rural district with three buildings, 750 kids total K-12, nothing fancy, no funding of note, lots of technology access grades 6-12, three ft music teachers, three ft art teachers, and extracurricular theater at the ms and hs levels. I look forward to hearing from anyone who might have ideas. Thanks!
Tags: GT, and, art, arts, dance, fine, gifted, music, program, talented, More…theater, visual, vpa
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