I have nine invitations left for Google Wave that I am giving out to anyone who posts a creative use for Wave on my blog. Post quick, I'm handing out the invitations on Friday, October 22, 2009!

The Electric Educator Blog

Tags: Google, Wave, invitations

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As a school administrator I would like to be able to collaborative with other educators in real time. Whether it be working with a new teacher on developing lesson plans that incorporate a balanced literacy, ninety minute block, that also demonstrates reading centers being used during the Guided Reading segment or showing others specific aspects of implementing the steps in the RTI (Response to Intervention) process. It is an exciting time in education and I want to remain on the forefront of new initiatives. I remember when I wrote a grant that allowed for high speed Internet access to come to a rural school District in Illinois. I barely understood what LATA lines were or what in the world a router was and why it was necessary. Although it seems like a lifetime ago we were all using dial up connections where the information appeared on our screens at a snail's pace, that was a reality. Who better to share an invitation with than someone who daily guides over 50 educators and almost 800 students toward improving academic achievement?
hey there! Maybe I'm a little late for this but it would be really great to get a google wave invitation. I'm teaching communication design here in Austria and would really like to take a look at this wave.
So maybe anybody could send me an invitation?
thank you
I'd LOVE one! My school uses Google Apps for Education now, and I'd like to explore this before we make any sudden moves... I'm the Middle School Tech Integration Coach at the American School of Dubai.
If you have any invites left, I promise to put it to good use! email: allisonl.hart@gmail.com
I started the contest last Friday and as of today I have 47 comments. Some of the ideas are pretty lousy, but there are quite a few that are excellent. Many of these ideas stem from the classroom 2.0 community! Thanks for your input!
Here are two of my favorites so far:

"Our school district (in New Hampshire) is piloting a program for the state this year where three of our snow days will become online learning days (and will not have to be made up in June). I could see the Google Wave being used for class discussions and assignments on these snow days. Since I teach language arts, I could hold a Wave
class discussion with my students and be able to continue with whatever we should have been doing in class."

"I'm the director of a special education cooperative that provides professional development for teachers of students with disabilities. I can think of LOTS of uses for Wave in our work but my first use would be as a tool for our Inclusion Project. We have teams of school personnel involved in a year long project where they are learning how to effectively integrate a student with disabilities into general education classrooms. Because those teams are in 17 different school
districts across large geographic area, this tool would allow us to collaborate in real time as we work with our consultant in New Hampshire and our teams here in Kentucky. Communicating via email
isn't meting our needs right now but Wave would fit the bill!"

The list of ideas is growing each day. Post your own or check what others are saying on my blog.
Our school just started using Google Apps for Education this fall. I would love to explore the wave to see how to use it with the independent study students our school serves. I watched the Google Wave video on youtube so many times after it was introduced and can't wait to try it. Thanks for sharing it with others. Let us know how you are using it with your students.
I am a elementary principal, continuously encouraging the teachers to utilize and explore web 2.0 technologies with their digital natives. The best way to do this is through modeling, which brings me to the "invite". I would first utilize it with them for communication and collaborative projects. All in the hopes they would find uses in their classrooms.

Last year I started a faculty wiki. We conduct most of our info sharing for faculty meetings there and have reduced our face-to-face meeting by 15 minutes. They can also access all mandatory district policies, forms, articles, screencasts, and other useful tools. Minutes to all faculty and committee meetings are also posted here. Lastly, there is a google doc sign-in on the wiki to keep mandatory attendance (history shows who and when they viewed the page). As a result, most teachers found different uses for classroom wikis.
I am a middle school gifted education teacher and a county Technology Student Association (T.S.A.) advisor. Google Wave would allow me to communicate with my students throughout day on real time projects, especially Problem Based Learning units. Often, because of schedule conflicts, I am unable to see all the students who are assigned to me. Google Wave is the solution for meeting differentiated education plans for my students, including content modification and curriculum compacting.

As for T.S.A., my students compete at a regional, state and national level. The majority of events are group competitions. Because members are spread out across seven different schools, Google Wave will enable us to collaborate and improve productivity. Currently we face numerous hurdles as we try to complete projects from multiple locations in the county. We actively use Google Docs, but Wave will take us to the next level. One of my students is a National Officer for the 150,000 member organization. He is constantly burdened by meeting limitations with other officers across the country. Through Wave, we can have an impact on the largest technology student organization in the United States.

Google Wave is my solution for gifted services and successful advising. Feel free to check out some of my classroom initiatives such as our blog, wiki, and Voice Thread. Google Wave will not be wasted here!
My email address is swilliams@scsnc.org. Thanks for taking time to provide this great opportunity!
I am a teacher at Central Community College in Columbus, NE. One of the classes I teach is Instructional Technology for Teachers. It is a class to show pre-service students/teachers how to integrate technology into the curriculum. I would really like to add Google Wave to the type of technology items available to these students to use in their future curriculum designs. It would be a great addition to the class activities. Please consider my request when you are considering invitations to Google Wave.

Mel J. Janousek
I would use Google Wave as a platform to communicate, share, and integrate with my school districts other tech mentors. We have staff meeting on a monthly basis, but we need to find a way to share ideas on a more regular basis. It could serve as a good model for the administration in our school district. My hope is for Wave to replace email in our school district.
I am in search of an opportunity to reconnect with students. As high school principal, I am looking for this type of opportunity to re-engage learners in thier environment, getting back "into" the classroom with technology that will allow for collaboration and transformation of education. While I feel this is begging, your invite would provide the platform to change the way things are done, to create an open environment in education where many are still so secretive.

This technology, as I currently understand it, will also extend the walls of my school beyond our town, into a global environment of learning. Specifically, I am working with my building administration and faculty teams to reframe the purpose of our school as we create a virtual environment that will supplement our needs beyond 1) the state and national demands for 21st Century education, 2) physical limitations of snow days or a H1N1 pandemic, and 3) (perhaps most importantly) LACK OF FUNDING. In this effort, we are also currently involved with connections to higher education, the business community, local and global service opportunities, all of whom would benefit from an experience such as you are offering.

I hope to receive an invitation and be a proactive part of transformation in high school education! May the arms of our influence go beyond the walls of our physical school!
I am begging you to give me one of the invites. I am on the fringe of getting my IT guy to do this but he wants to see it in action. Please Please Please help me out. I am a biology and zoology/botany teacher for special ed kids and this tool will be great for getting my kids parents involved. I need my IT guy to see it. Thanks in advance.....I hope. fitcher@gmail.com



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