I want to restrict viewing and use of our class blog to students. I would like to have each student have an id such as 6715Billy and a password. All the blogsites I have seen require users to have email addresses, and I want to stay away from email.


Ron Smuin

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Thanks. Had a look at the book discussions. Looks great! Hope I can get an OK for our district's Moodle soon.
Ron, I have mixed feelings about the book discussions per se, I blogged about it here. It might work better in the regular classroom--but if I was going to do it again I would do things differently (maybe paired responses?) There are lots of ideas that would work with Moodle. One of the other ideas I had was each kid would choose a work of art--statue, pottery, photograph, painting etc. and post it to the virtual art gallery. Others would comment on the art--I set it up but haven't had the time to try it.

I've also written online courses, this used to be one-- Good luck in getting Moodle from the district, I know you'll come up with great ideas for your kids.
Ron, do you by any chance use Google mail for anything? Here is a really cool trick that I found works well. It gives your students an email address but they don't really get an email account and all email is sent to your box. Here is the link to check it out. It is a blog post with instructions and a link to a video about how to do it.

Chad Sytsma
Thanks, Chad:

Have used the myaddress+phonystudentname@gmail.com for several sites. It's challenging, but better than nothing. Thanks again.
Ron, I listened to the Weebly Webinar on Classroom 2.0 Live today, and Dan from Weebly said that student comment moderation will be coming next week. Teachers will then have access to moderate all student comments/content.

Great news, eh?
Yeee--haw!!! Thanks Jonathan.
I'm gonna give David Warlick's classblogmeister a try for my Grade 5 and their Technology blogs.
Weebly looks great and more slick but does not seem like it is set up for a Class blog and then student blogs linking off of the main page or am I missing something...
Each student gets their own Weebly domain name (sample.weebly.com) so all you would have to do is create a list of those in a sidebar if you wanted to link to them off your home page. You could have a list of student names and then hyperlink each one to their individual page. It would be pretty easy to do.

On my class website, I have a dedicated page with a list of all the student websites. You can visit any of their sites from that one page. I would link to it and show you, but it is password protected.



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