I am working towards having a paperless classroom. Do you have any ideas to share with me?

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May I ask which grade are you going to teach? There will be some alternations depending on students' level.
I teach High School grades 9-12. My Technology & Career Explorations integrates into other subject areas throughout the high school so I am looking for ideas that can be used throughout our school.
I recommend the blog, Teach Paperless
I have written a few articles on this. You may find them helpful. In fact I wrote one today.


Do More with Less by Going Paperless

Ditch Paper and Get to the Thinking Faster

How I Lost 20 Pounds in One Month On a Paperless Diet

Hope you enjoy. If you do, leave a comment :)
Hi Lisa,

Saw your reply regarding how to go paperless in the classroom. Thought I would point you to www.livebinders.com to see what you think of the site. It basically is a 3-ring binder for the web allowing teachers to put any link into a binder along with uploaded documents. You could have your surveymonkey, teachertube videos, pdfs, wikis, interactive learning sites all in one binder to share with students or colleagues or as a resource for you to take anywhere. Would love your feedback. www.livebinders.com

This sounds really interesting. Can you explain how your virtual work log works?

Hi Bruce,

You might want to check out www.livebinders.com which is basically a website designed for teachers to help put all of their online documents and uploaded documents into one container. It is basically a virtual 3-ring binder interface and teachers have been creating binders privately and publically to share with students or colleagues. It will work with google docs because all docs have urls and any link can be put into a binder - password protection and all. I'd appreciate any feedback you may have.

I am using google docs to try to do this as well. I am keeping a blog of my experiences. I think you might find some good ideas.

Don't know if this will help you or not, my students all have a folder on our server that they use to store their electronic portfolio as well as the assignments that they do for me. Their folders are arranged by class so all I do is map a drive to their class and I am able to grade their papers and add comments with out having them print their papers out.
That sounds great. I am trying the same thing with my students. When you grade their papers do you use "track changes" (like in Microsoft Office) to make corrections and add comments? Can you describe how you grade their papers. Thanks.

The paperless classroom is my dream too. I've spent the last couple of years reducing the amount of paper in my graphic arts classes.

Here are some things I was looking at for a grad studies program in teaching and learning technology at Simon Fraser University:


Good luck.
We use Blackboard in our district. New this year is that my students send their work through the digital dropbox. I correct it and send it back. I am doing this in grades 3-5 in media for students with Internet access at home. I also put all my forms and handouts in course documents (less paper) quizzes are created in Blackboard (no paper). I pull everything up on the projector. For graphics we are using Core FX with Watcom tablets (less paper); type in Writers and upload it to desktop. When I do give out paper to write it's half sheets. Instructions, if printed, are three to four on a page so I can cut and handout.



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