What are the best and most affordable online colleges or community colleges that offer online courses?

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The University of Iowa and Penn State University have outstanding online programs.When coming to Belford University, you'll find a wide range of courses that allow you to get your associate degree at home. We offer a wide range of majors from which to choose for an accredited associate degree.Type "online university" or "Online college" something like that in the search box of search site as Yahoo, Goole!
Western Governors University based on Salt Lake City also offers affordable, high quality online education.
I am going for a PhD at Capella University. Of the online schools, I found Capella the most credible and affordable. In addition, NY accepted all of the credits for administrative certification. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions about the program.
When I did my research a few years ago, I found Grand Canyon University to be the most affordable for me to earn my MA in Ed Tech. That was the #1 reason I chose the school.

That being said, I am not sure I could recommend their program. Too touchy, feely for me. But then again, I don't really have anything to compare it against.

I found some amazing information on online collegoes on this online college blog - maybe this one could help you out too!
Hey expert... if you are an expert, why are you asking from us..? :-P

just kidding..

ok.. I don't know exactly what do you mean by affordability but you can visit SchoolsGalore for the best online schools and colleges in US and Canada.
SchoolsGalore is a directory of the best and accredited online schools and it has almost all the online and offline schools/colleges which provide distance learning programs.
Hey Allen ....who said expertsdoes not need suggestions...

now i am kidding too

any way thanks for the informaion regarding this distance learning site it really has almost all the online schools and degrees informaion.
GetEducated.com's online college affordability survey has found 27 high-quality, low-cost online degrees in education and library science available for under $10,000. GetEduacted (which I founded) is a consumer watchdog agency that rates and ranks online colleges based on cost, student satisfaction and public (employer) perception. Our online ed researchers analyzed tuition and fees at 101 regionally accredited universities that offer 313 online master’s degrees to come up with our national rankings of the Best Buys in online master’s for teachers and librarians. For complete details on the most affordable online programs see http://www.geteducated.com/online-college-ratings-and-rankings/ . We rank Master's in Education and Library Science as well as other types of online degrees. These rankings are for regionally accredited degree options.
I'm not sure how the cost compares, but if you're interested in a degree in Instructional Media, I'm taking this program at Wilkes University. It's a Wilkes/Discovery joint effort and you get access to Discovery Education Network bundled in. You can see more at the Wilkes Instructional Media Blog (I'm the virtual grad assistant there.) Please feel free to contact me if you want more information about the program.
Yes, for teaching and education degrees online, cost wise Western Governors and Grand Canyon are competitively based on objective national surveys GetEducated has released. Walden and Capella are well known for doctorate level ed study. Be careful of degree mills though when searching online. Hundreds of them. Interestingly enough the postings that accompany this discussion are scattered with promos from online degree mills. When looking for an online degree make sure you check out your source and accreditation. Our pug dog mascot, Chester Ludlow, earned an Online MBA from one of the posters to this discussion section. He paid $499 for it. See his Video story: Dog Earns Online MBA Cautionary Tail. http://www.geteducated.com/breaking-news-consumer-alerts/21-breakin...

Chester's the pug's online degree certainly was "affordable" - but it was also a sham.
The continuing education courses offered by Phoenix University online are excellent. The courses and professors are great. The prices vary depending on the course and length of time in the course. I highly recomend them; they most likely have the courses you need and if they are in your price range its the best way to go

Hope this helps.

More than 200 associate degrees, around 300 bachelor degrees and close to 500 degrees in continuing education are being offered by the multitude of state universities. Auspiciously substantial grants and scholarships are also available in fields like arts, health care programs and in other engineering related areas. If the education policy reforms are anything to go by, one may expect a new stream of funding flowing into areas of online education.



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