I teach 3rd grade and have a class blog through edublogs. I have been trying for weeks to figure out the best way to embed videos into the blog. Until edublogs introduces their own video player, I have to embed videos from an outside site. Working with young students, I want to make sure that the parents are comfortable with the embedded site, since all players seem to have a back-link that allows you to easily go to that site.

I have narrowed my options down to edublogs.tv, SchoolTube, or hosting them on my own Ning and embedding from there. Can anyone offer opinions or suggestions on what works best for them? I'm looking for speed, appropriate content on the home site, and the ability to support a range of formats. Thanks!

Tags: blogging, elementary, video

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Sunt directorul Casei de Productie Electro Star si promovez pe cei care au talent pe Radio(Star Musik) si Televiziune(Favorit, Etno, Taraf si OTV. Pentru relatii sunati la telefon 0722.410.597 sau trimiteti e-mail la tvbucuresti@yahoo.com
Casa de Productie Electro Star poate fi vizitata la www.musik.ro
Nu uita aceste informatii: Eugen Ungureanu – Promovare pe Televiziune - Romania !
I use TeacherTube. They check all their videos before allowing them on their site. It may take a little longer to get the embed code, but it is worth it. However, I have not worried too much about using sites like VoiceThread, Animoto, and Flickr. I am there when my students use the blog at school and hopefully their parents are around at home. What is best is to teach the students to tell an adult if they get to a place where they should not be. At some point students need to decide for themselves what is right or wrong.
I like neok12.com, you'll find a whole bunch of other options athttp://www.alline.org/euro/videos.html
I can't help but I do share this concern. Thanks for giving me at least some options besides the "tube"
You can sign up for a free account from http://www.divshare.com

This site gives you 5 gb of free storage and plenty of bandwidth. For $19.99 a year you get 25 gb of storage and 75 gb/month of bandwidth. Divshare does all the work after uploading your video. It allows you to embed, download, etc. I have found it to be a great alternative for teachers that are concerned with privacy.



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