I have a few teachers that are looking for Math programs for younger students. We currently are aware of Castle Learning, Fastt Math, and Gizmos for help with math skills. However, there seems to be a disconnect for younger students. Some of the criteria for the programs are; the ability for the teacher to track student performance over time, possible pre-made activities that teach a skill and then have an assessment piece after the skill, and the possibility of exporting the date to another system for data review.

If anyone can help with this, it would be GREATLY appreciated!

Tags: RTI, k-2, math, software

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You might want to check-out DreamBox Learning. It is designed for K-2, fully online, and has an interest "parent dashboard" that engages parents in ways to support the learning activities. It was created by an ex-Microsoft person in the Seattle area. They had been working on programs for schools at one point. http://www.dreambox.com/

Hope this helps.

Our K-2 school adopted SymphonyMath this year (www.symphonylearning.com).

It has a lot of tracking ability and is completely about building number sense all the way through the 3rd grade level and higher. They have a scope and sequence on their website to show which skills are taught.

It isn't set up so much for teaching units but each student progresses at their own rate. It gives great support for struggling students by adding information or taking away choices as needed. It is great for differentiating instruction. We are heavily focusing use by Title 1 and Special Education students.

I didn't see an export data other than to pdf format, but there is a lot of types of analysis built in to their reporting website.
Our school uses Everyday Math (not my choice for my 1 & 2 multiage but I have to live with it). They have Everyday Math Games https://www.everydaymathonline.com/ online that correlate with the math games in the book. It's about $170 per classroom but kids do have access 24/7 and i can generate great reports.

I've also just signed up for a trial at IXL Math http://www.ixl.com/ and the skills that are included are broken down nicely into strands and then essential learnings/standards. The reports I can generate per pupil or for my entire class (including one called Hotspots) would be very useful. This one is $200 a year for a class but I'm trying to talk my district into buying this as a way to address RTI needs rather than more workbooks.

Can't wait to check out the other sites people have posted! It's AMAZING what is out there! Thanks, Carmalita, for starting this thread.

We can toss around this program and that program but I didn't read that they were researched based in providing us the "bang for our buck" we need. The Everyday Math program has a circular curriculum that does not teach to mastery and therefore does not meet the needs of Tier II and Tier III students. The research from the What Works Clearinghouse and also the NCTM Standards March, 2008 demonstrates this. I would imagine there are many educators out there who are using Everyday Math and have students who are not meeting proficiency despite their efforts. This is a time where we are trying our best to make decisions based on research and follow the recommendations of those efforts.
I will definitely delve more into this research! I was never sold on the mantra, "Trust the circular curriculum. You don't NEED to teach to mastery because they will encounter it again and again." Thanks, Meredith, for giving me some places to look to back up my "gut feelings" about this program!
If you would like the exact citings I would be glad to share them. After 30 years of trying this and that I just wish we would take a step back and make sure our decisions are based in research.
Yes, if you find time in your busy days to share the citings with me I'd be most thankful! Thanks, Meredith!



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