I recently developed a course, Web 2.0 for the K12 Classroom, which I teach online through Lake Erie College. I teach blogging, podcasting, social networking, social bookmarking and video sharing. Do you know of some sort of new Web 2.0 tool that might be a nice addition to my course?

Thanks for your input.

Tags: 2.0, Internet, Web, bookmarking, classroom, podcasting, site, social, web

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me again, some of the neatest stuff I've seen has to do with social studies or history projects. Checkout museumbox and you can see some others on my primary source blog A Very Old Place
You might also try Awesome Stories

I teach a class at Central Community College in Columbus, NE titled, "Instructional Technology for Teachers." I have students work in many of the areas you listed. I have the class next semester at the college. I would really like to have my students communicate with your students about technology items, educational topics, or just topics about being college students. Please let me know if we could connect our classes in some way. Thanks for your time. My email address is: mjanousek@cccneb.edu

Mel J. Janousek
Please tell me more about this class and the requirements for it.
Thanks to all for these excellent comments, and Happy Thanksgiving to you. I teach Ning community use in the classroom, podcasting, VoiceThread, Jing, blogging and TeacherTube. So far, it's going great and the teachers in the initial offering love the course. What I have found is that some of them already have experience with TeacherTube, YouTube and VoiceThread. Although I intend to keep them in this survey course, I was thinking of adding something new. So, I'm looking for similar apps that engage students and are easy for teachers to implement in class. By the way, I do not teach wikis, because I teach two separate courses that show teachers how to set up a wiki classroom, including individual web pages for students. Thanks again, I look forward to your replies. Oh, by the way, for anyone interested in this or any of my courses, you can learn more at www.thepaperlessclassroom.com. Everything I teach is a 3 semester course at an accredited college.
HI Mark -- you're welcome to direct your classes to my Small Changes; BIG RETURNS tools wiki at http://small-changes-big-returns.wikispaces.com/. I'm the virtual grad assistant for the online Wilkes/Discovery Master's in Instructional Media program and maintain the blog at http://wilkesinstructionalmedia.blogspot.com/. Finally k12 Online (http://k12onlineconference.org/)starts next week and your students will find sessions there on all kinds of classroom applications of tools and technology.
Cool to hear that you are involved with teaching online classes -- as far as other Web 2.0 tools that you could teach, I'd recommend teaching about online collaboration software like Google Docs or Google Wave.

Good luck!
I don't find the need for Google Docs because my classroom website, www.barnesclass.com, is a wiki that contains student pages, embedded presentations and a student message board. I'm very interested in Wave, but it's not ready for everyone yet.
Hi, Mark,
Do you include ePals in the class? It's the largest K12 community of online learners, with 600K classrooms in 200 countries and territories.
ePals got a nice mention by ZDNet blogger Chris Dawson last week in a talk to Florida independent schools, and you can see his slides here:
How to add value, not just more tech, with Web 2.0+

I'm doing several one-hour webinars on this on Dec. 2, 9 and 10 in the late afternoon, if this would be of interest.
You can find Dec. 2 on the events posted here.
Hi Rita, thanks for the reply. I do not use ePals, only because I find that the registration process is cumbersome. I have used it in class for blogging in the past, but there are other education blogs that I prefer. I've never used the e-mail project piece, though it looks cool. I'm on hold with it because I think Google Wave might make it obsolete.
Hi, Mark, I'd appreciate more detail on the "cumbersome" part of the registration process. One thing ePals wants to do is ensure that people who are in the Global Community are in fact K12 students, teachers and belong there. So we don't let everyone in....and in fact deny admission to about 10% of those who try to get in each day. (When we do district licenses, the work is done by the district IT folks and our staff, not others...making it quick and easy.)
Your "cumbersome" might be called "peace of mind because of student safety" by classroom teachers. But I am open to suggestions of how we could make it less cumbersome, if you have some thoughts that you would be willing to share! Isn't it fascinating how these online sites encourage discussions so widely?
Best, Rita
Rita, My concern with using epals for student email was that it was SO safe we couldn't get the emails were were wanting. One of the uses for student email is to receive authentication codes used to activate online applications--we tried getting our authentication codes for several applications and the students never received the mail--we went with another email setup. N



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