Anyone out there on Twitter? I like, as much as I can, to follow a few Canadian teachers. It certainly helps me conduct my Social Studies classes and work in a Canadian context. If you'd like to share Twitter IDs, I'm @mrpuffin

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I tweet regularly about interesting current events selected from our Multicultural Calendar. Many universities, schools, and other educational organizations use our calendars in their organizations and in their classrooms.

I mostly follow other people's tweets and am very interested in improving the teaching of math. I'm @suehatwilkes
Twitter is a great way to share knowledge. Follow me @OhioFreeTech

I am on Twitter.

I am on twitter @sroseman
I love to twitter about smartboards. I find a lot of resources to use in my class!!
I'm always interested in following other educators. I'm
Hi James,

I'm doing more following than tweeting for now, but I'm @uberlinguist.


I'm (EdTech Consultant near Edmonton, Alberta).
Hi @aledou twitters. This is my PLN twitter.. mostly social media, edu-techs, etc. Then I started one recently to accomodate our divisional teachers using Twitter. Due to online access in a geographically challenged division, this is not going well. Back to the drawing board so to speak. In the meantime I am corresponding with math and science teachers and other educators in my SSNS_Teachers twitter. You are all welcome to join in!
I am trying to build a supportive network in expanding and expressing what I know about teachers and technology use. My twitter name is nmstuewe.
Here's a list of many of the classroom 2.0 folks who've posted a twitter id.

I haven't been as careful as I might have been so there are no doubt folks missing.



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