Caveat: I'm posting the "challenges" I encounter here in the hope that they benefit both the Haiku folks and the community as a whole, so hopefully, I'm not coming across a troublemaker :-).

This time round, the "Re-open" quiz has been giving me problems. I was able to use this feature a couple of months ago, when I had to "re-open" a published quiz for a student who couldn't take it at the original date/time could retake it. I simply changed the date and time settings in the Re-option options and that seemed to do the trick.

Now however, the quiz remains closed even after I reset the date and time. So I am forced to save it under a new name and provide that out the the appropriate students. I couldn't find any documentation in the Knowledgebase either.

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?


Tags: assessment, quiz, re-open

Views: 185

Replies to This Discussion


No worries, I don't consider you a troublemaker! It's extremely valuable to us as a company & to the community to track down the causes of bugs or odd behavior as quickly as possible. I'll be looking into this issue this afternoon and will write back when I have something to report or if I need further clarification.

Ok Vidya, here's my guess, correct me if I'm wrong. You're using sections in class roster, right? If so, what you're experiencing is a known bug.

You'll note that when an Assessment has different start and/or end times in different sections there will be an asterisk (*) next to the Assessment's due date in the listing of Assessments. When you hover over the due date you'll see the in what sections the Assessment is available, and until what time.

Unfortunately, the status column has not been updated to support classes with multiple roster sections. So the text that's listed in the status column (e.g. upcoming, open, closed, etc) can be misleading in some cases. For example, an Assessment's status could read "closed" because it is closed in Section A, even though students in Section B still have access. This is likely what happened when you re-opened your Assessment... because another section was still closed, the status of the Assessment still read "closed."

The good news is that even though the status can be confusing, the Assessment itself should be available for your students appropriately. Perhaps the simplest way to determine if an Assessment is open or closed for a given roster section is to click the Manage Assessment menu & choose the Preview option. While previewing an Assessment you'll be able to see the availability listed for each roster section.

We have this issue logged in our tracking system & I'll be sure to post back here once we've made the appropriate fix. If what I've just described doesn't sound like what you're experiencing, please let us know.

Hi Marcos,

You're right in that I'm using Roster sections. However, with the quiz, I discovered that when I set different dates/times for the quiz for each section, only the latest date/time showed up in the calendar. So waht I acutally do is this: I create a basic quiz, say Quiz 4, and then use the "Save As..." option to save two individual versions of it for each section. In doing so, I uncheck the "Publish to all sections" option, and make sure that only the box next to the appropriate section is checked.

It's a roundabout process, I know, but the students were more comfortable with being able to see the right date and time. That said, your reasoning makes sense, so I am going to use your suggested method and see how it works out.

Thanks for the prompt response and keep me posted. I introduced one of my colleagues to Haiku and he loves it as well, so keep up the good work :-).


It sounds like your "Save As" solution works... but really that's an extra step you shouldn't have to take. I want to try troubleshooting a bit more with you. You can either use an existing Assessment that you don't mind tweaking, or you can create a new Assessment for troubleshooting purposes.
0) Publish the Assessment with different due dates/times for each section of your class by un-check the "Publish Assessment to all sections" option & choosing separate date ranges for each section listed.
1) Open up the Preview window for the Assessment & confirm that it lists separate due dates/times for each section.
2) Now go to your class calendar & make sure the All Sections option is chosen.
3) You should see all possible due dates for the Assessment listed in the calendar. Do you?
Here's a screenshot of a similar setup in one of my classes:

Marcos, it works, and this is in fact how I began. Something made me switch to the long way, I think it was that at some point early on in the semester,only the most recent date/time was being displayed in the calendar for both sections. I'm a big fan of working smart and being efficient with my time so there was a compelling reason for me to take the scenic route, I know ;-)

Anyway, it's working as it should now and that's what is important :-). So I will give this a whirl Monday, when the next quiz is due, and I think it should all be good. Thanks for troubleshooting this further with me and have a great weekend!
Hi Marcos,

I'm back with this problem. This time, I can't even set new date options for a specific roster section when I use the "Re-open..." option, it just doesn't save the new date/time. Consequently, when I preview it as you suggest above, it still shows up as closed for both sections.

If you can access my course - ITSC 1301, Introduction to Computer Literacy - I am trying this with "Quiz - Chapter 7". I am trying to reopen it for Section 1301.007, from 11:30 am - 12:30 pm on December 1.

I'm attaching a couple of screenshots for visual reference: One that shows the date/time options I am setting for 1301.007 with the "Re-open" feature, and the other the "Preview" window after I've re-opened the test.

Thanks for the follow up & details on this. I am currently swamped, putting the finishing touches on our upcoming Shadowing feature, but I'm going to have Alex, our support specialist, look over these latest details to try and figure out what's going on. Thanks for your patience & help,

Hi Marcos,

No worries. It's the end of the semester, and I did have my workarounds :).

Hi Vidya,

Just an update. We are working on a fix to this error, but for now there is a very simple work around for this too. If you have an assessment that you want to reopen, instead of choosing Re-open from the Manage Assessment menu, choose Edit Settings. If you adjust the Start and End Dates here they will apply correctly and your assignment will reopen accordingly. Sorry for the trouble. I will let you know when we have the Re-open tool fixed. Thanks so much for bringing this to our attention.




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