Welcome to the Candian Mashup group. Introduce yourself here. You can also leave a question about something you'd like to know more about or get help with ... someone in the community will jump in and give you a hand.

My name is Darren Kuropatwa. I teach senior mathematics in Winnipeg, Canada although I'm really a transplanted Montrealer. ;-)

My professional blog is called A Difference.

Cheers from The Great White North!

Tags: Introductions, Welcome

Views: 704

Replies to This Discussion

Welcome Brian -- I really like the part you wrote about 'great software'. Sounds like you have a wonderful setup. If you like, you can take a look at my Squidoo website for some ideas about Web 2.0 tools that teachers can use easily.
I am a grade 2 Spanish bilingual teacher in Calgary. I am originally from Cuba but have made Calgary our home for the last 2 1/2 years. Love Canada! I am looking forward to the discussions on the list.
Hello All,

I am a high school teacher in suburban Ottawa (Kanata) to be exact. I have run the gamut from the fully wired, white board school (in a past teaching life, it seems) to a "can I get my computer updated so that I can look at certain websites without crashing" school.

Right now, I feel I might be leading the charge (albeit rather silently) at my school, but things are improving and hopefully some of the things I am trying will catch on (Quizlet, blogs, diigo).

Hi Everyone,

I'm a junior high Humanities teacher in Calgary. The last two years of my teaching has focused around a year-long Canadian History project called the Cigar Box Project, where students remix primary source images into digital stories while creating their own Cigar Box that tells the history of our country. I also have a blog that documents the journey along the way. Please come check it out: http://thinkinginmind.blogspot.com/
Hi Neil -- Welcome to Canadians Mashup. I have passed your Cigar Box project information on to my teaching partner whose passion is teaching history. She's looking for interesting ways to get our students more involved their learning and your work here was great.
HI Craig and welcome -- sorry I missed this earlier this year. I think we all have to keep optimistic in the face of inconsistencies across schools, districts, and provinces. As long as the kids are listening and learning, you're sewing the right seeds. They are the educators of tomorrow.
Hi everyone,
I'm a high school English/Drama/Social sciences teacher in Ottawa, Ont. I'm currently using the Desire 2 Learn platform to teach online (and how I shudder at the 2 in that title every time). I also teach two face-to-face classes in the school with the lowest SES kids in the board. Like Craig, I get to face hassles about standardization, upgrading, and general access to technology in my board, exacerbated by a shaky access to technology at home for my students. I'm noticing, more and more, a drive towards web 2.0 ideas at one level of administration, and a battening down of hatches against it on another level. As a teacher, I receive PD sessions demanding "Why don't we use the tools the kids use?", and find myself answering, progressively more loudly, "Because the people who paid you to ask that question won't let us."

Ideas of privilege and access and power are highlighted for me, especially when working with the roughly 50% school population who are ESL, ELL, or new Canadians.
HI Diana and welcome -- your remarks about the opposing trends resonated with me. Our "leadership" talks loudly about all the great initiatives but funds only 3 people to work with all the teachers and classrooms in the largest district in our province!!! I say -- let them back up their claims with the $ to impliment true change. -Sue
Hi Everyone

I am a Lab Instructor for Science 1150/1151 at MUN in St. John's, NL (we are currently being hit by a snowstorm). I teach various topics from Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. I love my job and the use of technology in it!!
Blog #1: http://officeinthecloud.blogspot.com/
Blog #2: http://mytechcloud.blogspot.com/

Welcome, Sheldon --we're clear, windy, and cold (by west coast standards) here in BC. I teach Earth Science as well, but in an individualised program in a small alternative high school.
Hi all,
My name is Angela Andersen and I teach art, photography and a course in the making called Media and Culture. It is interesting to be a part of the debates surrounding the collision of art, culture and technology. I use a Ning site in my Media and Culture class and the students love it! It is a great place for them to submit, respond and collect visual images that reflect their interests and inspirations. The parents are thrilled that their kids are being taught how to use social networking sites in a responsible, safe manner. It also makes marking easier, as I can work from home to view and comment on the students' entries. The students in this particular course are in grade 8.
I look forward to learning more, as I am as much a student as I am teacher..no blog yet, hoping to get a website soon, to showcase my personal studio adventures.
cheers from British Columbia!
Hi Angela and welcome -- Wow -- that's a powerful phrase: "the collision of art, culture, and technology" -- it makes me wonder what phoenix will rise from the ashes.



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