Anyone out there on Twitter? I like, as much as I can, to follow a few Canadian teachers. It certainly helps me conduct my Social Studies classes and work in a Canadian context. If you'd like to share Twitter IDs, I'm @mrpuffin

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I think you missed me.
nmstuewe has been added to the list, Nancy.

It feels good to be supported by such a great group of thinkers
My Twitter existence @mrsshori. And Twitter has definitely given me some great ideas with technology integration. Thanks James Dysktra for thinking about this!
Hi Nita:
I've added you to my Classroom 2.0 list on twitter. There are now 94 folks on the list.

My pleasure. Learning from other educators is the main reason I'm on Twitter.
I am just starting to use Twitter - more of a Diigo user, but am planning on increasing my use of Twitter to build my PLN
@mrkeenan I discuss my iPod Touch program, my role as a 21st Century Learning coach, and teaching in the HS English classroom. Always looking for feedback on my blog too...
Hi, I'm a elementary school teacher in Chilliwack, B.C. I work with students in grades 4 through 7 and my Twitter ID is @Mr_Lister
Ross Thomson, Teacher-Librarian, Halton District School Board: Twittering & following Web 2.0 related tweets. Follow "thomsonro"!
You can find us at @Mobl_21 and my personal account is @ajayshroff. Looking forward to connecting with you all.
Well its been awhile so here is an update in regards to my teacher twitter project. Due to technical difficulties most teachers were unable to access social media accounts such as twitter. Nevertheless, a few did and so I created what is now the SSNS_Teachers twitter. I have teachers and educators from various regions following. Here are a few of my specific category list numbers so far. Grades Nursery to 4= 9, Grades 5 to 8= 7, and Grades 9-12=5. There were many designated as math and science, so the Math/Science list has 13 followers, and my overall Education list has 60. Everyone is welcome to join. If you are also keen on edtech, administration and curricula, then follow me @aledou Happy Tweeting everyone!



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