
I've been browsing the Skype conversations here, and I thought it might be helpful if I shared a resource. Most of my work is in H323 videoconferencing, but the principles and instructional strategies apply to any type of videoconference.

In particular, here are two sources of ideas to beef up the instructional content of your Skype calls beyond just discussion or Q&A:
* Kid2Kid Videoconference Projects Booklet, with templates and sample agendas. Just plug in your content!
* Collaborative VCs Wiki, with lots of teacher designed lessons, complete with preparation information and videoconference agendas.

Hope these are helpful as you use Skype and other synchronous VC tools in your classroom!


Tags: videoconferencing

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I am looking for a class anywhere in the world that is interesting in a skype long distance debate with my class this semester. I teach 8th grade U.S. History. Last year we debated against Terry Parent's class out of Hollywood, California. The topic was Democratic Republicans vs. Federalists. I would like to repeat this event yearly. Perhaps even more than once a year. Anyone interested...especially a class in a time zone that is closer to us, please email me at I am in Central Time Zone. The time zone is important to consider because working with the class in California (I am in Texas) was a "juggle." Although, it was worth all of the effort.

These are great resources. Thanks!
You're welcome, Patrice!



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