Welcome to the Candian Mashup group. Introduce yourself here. You can also leave a question about something you'd like to know more about or get help with ... someone in the community will jump in and give you a hand.

My name is Darren Kuropatwa. I teach senior mathematics in Winnipeg, Canada although I'm really a transplanted Montrealer. ;-)

My professional blog is called A Difference.

Cheers from The Great White North!

Tags: Introductions, Welcome

Views: 704

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Phil:
THe name looked a little familiar.... I am an SJR graduate and started my teaching career there (almost before there were computers in schools!)... There are fewer of the current staff that I know but I am sure there are still some, and I keep in touch with a few or the "old timers". AS I have a similar position at Ashbury (Ottawa) I am sure there are things that we can share! Please say a warm hello to Steve J
Great to hear from an Alum. Were you ever a student of Ms. B? I will pass along your wishes.

Season's Greetings,

Hi Phil and welcome to the Mashup -- Are you familiar with Alec Couros's open course on Social Media. He's at the University of Regina and recently did a talk (available on the archives) for Classroom 2.0 Live (http://live.classroom20.com/1/post/2009/12/open-online-university-c...).

Strangely what I think will most drive the change here in Surrey is lack of $$$ and the budget crunch. I feel that the policies that have prevented students and teachers from using their own laptops and mobile devices will fall because our district will not be able to retool as old computers are decommissioned. They will have to let us use our own stuff!! I hope so anyway...

Hi everyone,

My name is Dominic Smith. I am the Technology Coordinator (assist teachers with the integration of technology into their classrooms) and a teacher at Queen Margaret's School in Duncan, BC. Thanks Sue for the invite to the Mash Up.

We have a number of different technologies available to us including PC and Mac labs, mobile laptop cart, tablet PCs and a Smartboard. I am always interested in sharing information and ideas. I am interested about learning how social media can be used in the classroom. I can be contacted at: dssmith@qms.bc.ca.

The following are a couple of links that I would like to offer up as a new member to the Mash Up:



Cheers all,

Hi Dominic and welcome. I may be on the island later this month. Would it be possible to arrange a visit? Also there's a homegrown BC educational networking site you may be interested in called CEET (http://elgg.openschool.bc.ca/). Thanks for the heads-up about November Learning. I knew about them but had not looked at their material recently.-Sue
Wow, Karen -- years ago I actually went to Spokane to take a tour of the campus with a view to taking their Organizational Leadership program but my dad passed away and it wasn't my time to leave home. I know how you feel about time. I'm job sharing at the moment and doing an online Masters. I find I do a lot of writing and reading, but don't have enough hours in the day to actually rewrite my courses the way I'd like to. Ouch! Welcome to the Mashup. There is also a homegrown BC ed. network called CEET (http://elgg.openschool.bc.ca/) that you might want to join. -Sue
Hi Elaine and welcome -- I love the students' work you posted on your blog. There is a homegrown BC ed. network you might want to join called CEET (http://elgg.openschool.bc.ca/) and you may find some global collaborative projects of interest in my wiki under PBL (http://small-changes-big-returns.wikispaces.com/Project+Based+%28PB...). -Sue
Greetings everyone, my name is Jon Herzog, I'm A 5th grade teacher in Amherst NY. I have posted on the comment wall what my class is doing. I look forward to hearing from as many of you around Canada as possible! Thanks for letting me join the group!
Hi Jonathon -- I hope you get some replies. Unfortunately, our district does not permit Skype,so I can't be of much help with suggestions for local contacts here. -Sue
Thanks Sue for the reply!!!
Hi everyone, my name is Kisu Kuroneko and I teach Grade 7/8 literacy (English, History, Geography, Drama) in Ontario, Canada. Over the past few years, I've been experimenting with integrating a variety of different tools in the classroom, including Google Docs, online literature circles, twittering in the classroom, wikis and blogging.

I'm interested in finding other Grade 7 and 8 students for my students to collaborate.... Drop me a note if you're keen.

My two professional teaching blogs:
  1. http://blog.classroomteacher.ca
  2. http://balancedliteracy.ca

Cheers, Kisu.
Hi Kisu and welcome to the Mashup -- This sounds like an interesting project and I've added it to my wiki as an FYI to people who read it as well. -Sue



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