In education, heutagogy, a concept coined by Stewart Hase of Southern Cross University, is the study of self-determined learning. The notion is an expansion and reinterpretation of andragogy, and it is possible to mistake it for the same. However, there are several differences between the two that mark the one from the other.

Heutagogy places specific emphasis on learning how to learn, double loop learning, universal learning opportunities, a non-linear process, and true learner self-direction. So, for example, whereas andragogy focuses on the best ways for people to learn, heutagogy also requires that educational initiatives include the improvement of people's actual learning skills themselves, learning how to learn as well as just learning a given subject itself.

Similarly, whereas andragogy focusses on structured education, in heutagogy all learning contexts, both formal and informal, are considered.

Wikipedia: Heutagogy

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Tags: andragogy, heutagogy

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Here is the link to the article mentioned in the post:

and some more links to papers and articles for those who might be interested in reading more about the subject:
Epistemic Knowledge:
Heutagogy: It Isn’t Your Mother’s Pedagogy Any More:

A series of delicious bookmarks:
I have set up a website with than in mind. is a course in the history of art and architecture around the world. It is divided into micro lessons and each lesson is question based. I start with Prehistoric Art around the world and am working on Egypt now. In the Egypt micro lessons I have started recording very short lectures of some of the pages.

James I would like to hear from you about the design and if it works as I designed so that anyone could start any where?
Hmmm, I don't quite understand the reference of your inquiry to the thread topic. Please open and create separate threads to issues that coherently address your concise inquiries.

Please understand that the ad hoc heroic posting of random messages in any thread does not have the same clout as a managed approach under a theme structure.

Merely pushing bike pedals without holding the handlebars and reading a roadmap is not an effective project approach, I would say. Using a mindmap, like, helps to enable this "structure-first", then "content", then "format" work and process approach.
This thread addresses a client-centered approach. Did you acquire the needs and requirements of your clients first? This means Client/Performer Requirements Management.

Your inquiry, using "I" frequently, indicates to me that you are focusing on YOUR requirements. May I point out that you are facing a Buyer's market, and not a Seller's market. So the format flow of requirements information is from outside to inside, and not from inside to outside.
Yes, you are reading my mind, James. We are facing the Buyer's market when we plan to create the material. Since I am an economist, I support the use of economic terms.
Oooh Spooky! Just read that exact same Wiki page this evening. We were having a discussion about the difference between blended learning and hybrid learning. Guess it means I need to read on. Thanks for the links.
Will come back and add comments soon.
Not so spooky, I would say, its business-as-usual style Marketing & Quality Management. Just start wearing a marketing and a quality hat, next to your educator hat, that's all. A bit cross-faculty competency is necessary. In the medical sector its the same, medical staff doing ISO 9001 need to wear a marketing and quality hat in a cross-faculty manner.
For the sake of beefing up someone's 21st century CV, under the requirements of transparency, integrity, accountability, validity, and quality, in order to enhance that person's job opportunities, I think that's what Professional Develoment, Adult Education, and Andragogy is all about at the end of the day for most Learning Client/Performers. Its high time that education looks at the output (like economic growth and jobs) of their input efforts, especially in these times.
Do not forget that the educators hat has three heads: technology, pedagogy/andragogy/heutagogy, content.
Searching the internet I found only one place with the explicit distinction between the aforementioned two terms: mixed/blended and hybrid learning.
I feel that the term blended learning is more a notion of 2.0, while hybrid learning is a qualitatively new thing that is definitely 3.0.

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That's a great list. Thumbs up!



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