Tech Ed Teacher here in NH looking for 7th graders to respond and post to our private blog on blogspot. Please please let me know if your interested. Topics include, online safety, cyberbullying, collaboration, authentic learning, web 2.0 and open communication. Would like to start ASAP.

Tags: 2.0, blog, blogging, collaboration, communication, cyberbulling, internet, middle, safety, school, More…web

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I teach 7th grade tech ed in Menasha, WI and would like to start bloging with my students I have never done it in class before. Our semester ends at the end of next week so I would like to start after the 27th with my new group of kids.

If you would like to set up a one and done deal with the group I have now let me know. I can spend a day before the end of the semester with it.
My quarter ends the 22nd. My current students will be blogging until then. My next class comes to me on 1/25. We will probably start blogging by the 2nd week of February. Let me know. I have a great conversation currently posted for my students today. "There have been a great deal of advancements in technology over the past decade. This includes the internet and web 2.0. Do you think these technology advancements have been beneficial to society? If so, how?". Let me know if you are interested now or next quarter and I would be happy to add your email to our blog site or I can set up an email for you.. Thanks you for your response.
Send me an invite and I will have students reply next week.
I sent you the invite are you still interested in having our students blog?


Yes-send me the invitation

Thanks so much!
check out Sue Waters Blogging Challenge she runs a blogging challenege with over 75 schools, my 7th grade just registered
Thank you, what a great resource!
I teach 7th grade in Edison, NJ! My students are familiar with Web 2.0; we have a class wiki they absolutely love! I also integrate media literacy topics with my English/LA curriculum, so these are things my kids are familiar with. Would love more info about what you're doing :) My students and I would love this opportunity!
I'm trying to teach my students more about collaboration, web 2.0 and technology advancements. We also have topics centered around what is important to them as topics in school, lunch, classes, etc. I also have a literacy class I could and should integrate into the blog where we can discuss literacy topics etc..
My current post is: "There have been a great deal of advancements in technology over the past decade. This includes the internet and web 2.0. Do you think these technology advancements have been beneficial to society? If so, how?

Do you think you would be interested? If so, please let me know your email and I will send you an invitation to our blog.
This is definitely something I would be interested in doing, but I just want to make sure it is connected to what I'm doing in my classroom so all of our students can benefit! Right now I'm working on persuasive writing, and it would be great if you could find a way to connect the student's blog focus to the focus of our current unit!

Let me know what you think!
I am a 7th grade tech ed teacher but have not really done blogging with my classes except on an internal server-we would love to give this a try! My quarter ends the 27th-but I can start before that with the classes that I have now.
Mine too. We have the same job! I started a private blog on blogspot and got the code so it does not have any ads. etc. I would love for you to blog with us, ending up this quarter or starting with my next quarter on 01/25. My current topic is how does technology changes affect society? Please send me your email or I can create one for your class. My blogsite is

Let me know. I think this would be great!!!!



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