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I am a gifted resource teacher in Arlington Public Schools, located at Washington-Lee High School. In our new school we have Smart Boards in all classrooms and our ITC is leading a professional learning community in using Web 2.0 tools. It is overwhelming, so for me, I am taking one tool at a time and assessing its practical and effective use in the classroom. The tool I am learning about now and applying to a pedagogical scenario is Wall Wishers. Using this tool, a classroom teacher and I are posing a Socratic question for students to which they respond live and must post evidence to back up their responses. We will use the responses to analyze visually how they provide evidence, the depth and clarity of ideas, and repetition. Through this visual approach we hope to improve the seminar process in our classrooms. Here is an example:

If you have antiquated Explorer, use Mozilla Foxfire.

Anne Reed
Hi Reed,enthusiastically awaiting ur sharing &feedback
Hi! My name is Debra and this is my second year teaching technology to lower school children (K-5) in an independent school. I would never have thought that I would be teaching technology (I have been a classroom teacher prior) but this literally fell into my lap and I love it! I have learned so much this last year and a half and everyday I find something new thanks to the different communities I am in and the feeds I get. Looking forward to more learning with this community.
HI Debra,
I teach K-4 technology in a small independent school in Chicago. Where area you located? Perhaps we could collaborate through one of our classes. How does your program work? Each of my classes comes into the computer lab once or twice a week. I try to collaborate with the homeroom teachers to create projects that integrate into their curriculum. I use a lot of Kid Pix in K-2. Since last year I've been trying to incorporate Web 2.0 into the classes. How does your program work?
Hey everyone. Karl Pointer, High School Science Teacher and Football Coach from Dallas TX. Looking forward to learning and growing.
Hi, Everyone!

Bruno Leal, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Journalist and historian. Creator of Cafe Historia (

I'm looking to collaborate with the discussions about history and education.

Glad to be here!
My name is Skeet McCracken, and I live in Loveland Colorado with my wonderfull family. I work for the Poudre School District as a Buyer for the Warehouse. I am in the class 23 Things to Learn with PSD. I am having a great time with it so far learning about the latest in technology. I work on a computer all day, but never really check out the latest that is out there. I hope to keep learning so I can show my six year old daughter how everything works.
My name is Nick Amb. I live in rural, northern Minnesota and am currently teaching social studies and computer in a small school district up here.
I am working toward my master's degree in Educational Leadership. I have just a couple classes left. I am currently taking Technology and Information systems, and we have learned a lot of neat things already--some of which got me to this place! The goal eventually is to find gainful employment as a school administrator. In the meantime, I really enjoy being in the classroom and learning new things.
My wonderful family includes my wife of 21 years, Lisa--and our three kids. Our oldest son is off to college this year! We have a big yellow lab, too.
In my free time, I enjoy running and watching tv...
Hi Nick, Just out of curiosity are you in the program from Lamar University in Texas? From your post it sounds like maybe we are in the same class, EDLD 5362.

No-- I am a student at Tri-College (a consortium of NDSU, Minnesota State-Moorhead, and Concordia College). I image we are likely covering the same things!
We have fairly short classes in terms of calendar length--each class in our program typically runs about 8 weeks. With some planning, a person can get 2 at a time online, and pick up 8 semester hours a semester...and not too much stress! My tech class is really busy though. Lots of reading and listening to podcasts, etc. Fun though. Lots to learn!
I have had to drive to the Fargo Moorhead area for a few classes on a weekly basis. It's 140 miles, so it's a long trip once a week. Glad to have online classes. We do some over interactive television as well.
Hi Roger, we must be in the same class. This site will definitely be in my PowerPoint. Lots of great stuff. I'm currently teaching 5th grade in Texas and will soon be moving to California. Are you still in CA?

I'm Roger Dreger, an elementary school teacher for 15 years in Los Angeles. I am currently in an out of the classroom position as an Intervention Support Coordinator at an urban school. I am also working on an online masters program in Educational Technology and School Leadership. Glad to be here.



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