Hurry and Register Now
Early Bird Discount Ends June 30th

The Moodle User Group Northwest in partnership with NCCE will be holding a summer bootcamp for both system administrators and instructors. This multi-strand event will allow you to focus on either installing and administrating a Moodle environment or teaching and learning using one of the hottest online content management systems available. Lodging and meals are included in this all-inclusive three-day extravaganza.

Dates: July 20-22, 2009 at Pack Forest in Eatonville.
Registration: Early Bird (June 29) $399 after Early Bird (June 30) $449

Online registration available at:

FYI..... NCCE and MUG Northwest are non-profit organizations

Note: Eatonville is in Washington State and the workshop takes place in the mountainous area just below Mount Rainier. Lodging is in cabins and the setting is beautiful. Come and join us!

Tags: Moodle, elearning, opensource

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Might you be offering this again in 2010? Thanks.
Hi Jane,

We are doing it again. At this point we are finalizing dates and content for this year's boot camp. We are looking at one for new/beginner users like last year and one for advanced users. I will post up more information as soon as we finalize things. I am also working on doing boot camps in a variety of subjects in a number of places both here in the US and in Australia.
Thanks Randy.
I'm providing content for a professional development course housed in moodle. It's very bare bones and I'm no expert but I know moodle is extensible. Can you point me to a handful of high functioning moodle sites?
Unfortunately, most of the high functioning Moodle sites that I know are all password protected. If you want to see some example courses that a few people have designed you can download them at
Hi there -another place to look for example courses (but not sites, I'm afraid) is if you go to and go to their Cool Course competition - it has just closed but has 50 Moodle courses at all different levels which will eventually find their way to the Moodle course sharing area for people to download. I agree it's difficult to see real sites as you can't get into them because of the pasword.
Thanks Randy and Mary!



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