Hurry and Register Now
Early Bird Discount Ends June 30th

The Moodle User Group Northwest in partnership with NCCE will be holding a summer bootcamp for both system administrators and instructors. This multi-strand event will allow you to focus on either installing and administrating a Moodle environment or teaching and learning using one of the hottest online content management systems available. Lodging and meals are included in this all-inclusive three-day extravaganza.
Dates: July 20-22, 2009 at Pack Forest in Eatonville.
Registration: Early Bird (June 29) $399 after Early Bird (June 30) $449
Online registration available at:
FYI..... NCCE and MUG Northwest are non-profit organizations
Note: Eatonville is in Washington State and the workshop takes place in the mountainous area just below Mount Rainier. Lodging is in cabins and the setting is beautiful. Come and join us!
Tags: Moodle, elearning, opensource
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