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My name is Lori. I'm taking an online Masters course, just like Roger, through Lamar University. I'm currently teaching 5th grade in Grand Prairie, TX, but will soon be moving to the Sacramento Area. Steve, if you're sill in Lincoln, I'd love to know which districts/schools you recommend. I'm starting my job hunt for the fall! I am definitely interested in exploring this site and finding out more ways to bring the internet to my students. We're currently trying to incorporate the 2010 Olympics into our class. It has been a lot of fun!
Hello Everyone!

I'm an Instructional Technology Specialist for a K-12 school district of about 10,500 students in Texas, USA. Not in the classroom but I serve as a resource person and occasional trainer for classroom teachers. I have seen several posts about and references to the Classroom 2.0 Ning come across my Twitter feed, and an assignment for my current master's class in ed tech leadership (the same class as Roger and Lori above me) brought me to finally join and investigate this network further. Looking forward to all I will learn from the Web 2.0 pioneers here! :-)
Hi Everyone! So excited my professor introduced me to this application. Looking forward to getting to navigate through it a bit more and start engaging with others!

I am currently getting my Master's in Educational Technology at Pace University.
Hello to everyone.
I've been living and working in Hong Kong for 14 years -- teaching English and searching for ways to use IT in meaningful and relevant ways in the classroom. My research interest is in language learning autonomy.
I'm Kalie-- hello! I'm a fourth year teacher in Pennsylvania. I teach 6th-8th grade students who have moderate disabilities-- we learn everything from basic math and reading to cooking and dancing. Each day is always interesting!
Connie Halvorsen here. I'm an Instructional Designer at WMU in Kalamazoo, MI and I'm working on a MA in Educational Technology. My main interest is in new and emerging technologies in education. I love trying out new technologies and showing others how to use them.
hi, my name is min. i am an international student in pace university. my major is education technology studies and i am not current teaching. glad to be here.
My name is Michael Berry and I'm the principal of a small Vermont school. We currently do not have access to a tech integration specialist, but we have worked hard to use our resources wisely and get "caught up" with some great quality hardware. Now it's time to use it! I'm tuned in to the tech world and now I need to figure out ways to integrate professional development into our existing systems without overwhelming everyone. Sounds like fun...right!? I think so too.
Hi there!! Laura Frauenberg, Long Island, NY - Teacher Integration Specialist, high school. Excited to collaborate with others and share ideas!!!
My name is Stacie and I am a 6th grade math teacher in south central Pennsylvania. I am working on my Masters through Wilkes University in Instructional Media. As a tech-junkie I am thoroughly enjoying my course work. I would like to integrate more technology into my classroom, but struggle doing so since I am very limited in my resources. Just a few minutes ago I finally gave up on trying to reserve a computer lab for my 6th graders because they were booked too far in advance and only odd times were available. The teacher in charge of booking the lab told me that many times the teacher does not even use the lab but simply reserves it just in case. I look forward to finding ways to better meet my student’s needs through technology despite my limitations.
I am Brian Hoelscher, principal at Central Intermediate School in Washington, IL. I was an avid user of technology as a teacher and I am trying to keep up with the latest trends, sites, etc. and help connect my teachers with resources to make them successful.
John Graves, PhD Student at Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand. Most interested in finding collaborators to develop and test a new interface for intelligent interactive tutors. Please see my blog post: Open Source Voice and Vision Enabled Tutorial Software



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