The French Book Club Ning will follow the syllabus for a French/ Francophone literature in translation course offered at the University of Connecticut, Storrs. We are opening up the Ning to students and anyone else who might like to read the books (all have been translated into English) or watch the films from our class and have a lively discussion! Feel free to check out the site now while we're under construction, or stop by once the semester begins on January 20th. All teachers, students, and/or Francophiles welcome!!

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I am a Spanish teacher. (Secondary) I am interested in how you are planning to use this NING in your classes.
Hi Fred,
Nathalie (the other creator) and I plan to use the Ning as a forum for student discussion. We have both used blogs in the past, and although they've been relatively successful, we have high hopes that the higher traffic in a ning will get our students more excited about discussing literature outside of class. It's not all that exciting to talk online with people you'll see the next day, but with a ning we're better able to open it up not only to people outside of the class, but people from France or other Francophone countries. The class we're teaching is also a writing course, so we're trying to use as many different types of writing as possible (i.e. reflective on the forum, academic in their papers and explanatory on the wiki). Can't beat the accountability/ responsibility that having your writing displayed for the world to see either! Thanks for your interest!
There is an interesting article in The Language Education from ACTFL this month about using NING in the classroom,
I would like to join but I am new to classroom 2.0. Can some one help me? i would like to join this group! merci bien



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