Okay, I am writi8ng another article. This time about the "Seven Deadly Sins" of Educational Technology.

What do you consider a "sin" when it comes to education technology?

Perhaps not using equipment?
Not enough training?

Your answers will help me in my article.

Thanks everyone!


Tags: 2.0, ed, education, sin, tech, technology, web

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Enjoying this thread and agree with so many of these postings. One thing to add which was alluded to "Powerpoint as the cure-all." "Sure, we do technology here, the kids do a Powerpoint every year." Without a rubric or without the attention to design, content, interactivity, communication, citing sources, etc., and often with no experience or tutoring on public speaking.
I am pretty much in agreement with everything everyone has said, I think you are going to have more than seven in your list. I am looking forward to your article.

I am teaching Technology Integration classes to future teachers and do a great deal of staff development in school districts. Over & over I see schools buying lots of "stuff" and nobody really taking advantage of using it to its full potential. I also see districts doing a full advertised search for a head coach and then not hiring qualified folks for the technology coordinator or technology integration specialist position(s). They just move somebody into the position. How very sad, the students and teachers are the ones who pay the price. Kinda like that old say, cutting off your nose to spite your face!!!

I also see districts bid their technology contracts and not evaluate the entire package, just the price of the individual computer/laptop. Cheap is not always best!!! You get what you pay for 99% of the time.
So what's the list like right now?

Here's my compilation:

Disregarding Educational Ergonomics (not asking why)
Neglecting Staff Development (expecting to use without training)
Stopping to Learn (which might include:)
Ignoring Staff Development ("this will pass", "not for me", "why bother")
Being careless (who gets hired for ed tech, what gets bought)

Still three short and - not such a surprise - they work for many fields, not just ed tech. What's yours like, Tim?
Good point and I agree. Our district of 30,000 has 4 tech trainers who do something mysterious through the day and then do "classes" from 4:30-7:30 after school and in the summers, which is the absolute worse time for a lot of teachers including me. Most teachers in our district haven't embraced Web 1.0 much less Web 2.0. I don't need support but most teachers do.

Our superintendent feels strongly that if you have computer "teachers", the classroom teachers will never integrate the technology, so we don't have tech people in the elementary schools. Whether I agree or not, it doesn't matter. That's the way it is.
I agree, professional development is a major factor, and this is what was meant with the very brief
Neglecting Staff Development (expecting to use without training)



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