I am putting together a presentation for my school on why teachers should consider using wikis and blogs.  As part of my presentation I wish to provide some examples of great classroom wikis.  May I please get some links from teachers of your wikis, so that I can use them as examples of why my peers should consider utilizing wikis?  I am sure other teachers visiting this discussion would like to see your sites, as well.  Thank you!

Tags: Wikis

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Here is my class blog.

Here is my own blog.

How good they are as examples is up to you. Hope they help.

I used Weebly for both. You may like this article on how to create a blog with Weebly.
Great sites! Thank you!
I checked out your classroom blog. You might find this site interesting, Facts about poop
I don't have a wiki to reference, but I have a teacher in my building using blogs in such an exciting way that I can't help but share. He utilizes blogs to have students post the several stages of their writing, receive feeback on the blog and revise and repost. It's very exciting and the students, families and teachers are loving it. Pretty manageable as well.

http://www.underhill.k12.vt.us/baronhome.htm This takes you to his webpage, where you can access the many blogs that he has set up for the different groups of students
This is great! Thank you!
Here is my wiki that we use to build and create projects and activities:
Hi Dean
I'm a third grade teacher and I would love to learn how to best utilize Wikis in curriculum. Can you forward me information, too. Thanks.
Hi Deanna,

My presentation is on February 15, and I will send you what I put together. I just started s will be in touch later!

Hi Dean,

I am doing my thesis on Improving Parent/Teacher Communication Using Technology and would to see what type of information you have put together regarding wikis. I'll be happy to list you as a reference. My site is in the very beginning stages (I still have a month before it needs to be finished but you can check it out at http://web.me.com/katenar/Parent_Teacher_Communication/Introduction...)

Thanks for any information you can provide!

This is a wonderful creation! What a good idea to educate parents and teachers. You did a great job.
Dean, I, too, would love to have a copy of what you put together. I am finishing up materials for a mini-training next week on blogs and wikis.



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