I am looking for east and free tools to use to foster student discussion in class. I'm presenting at our district's ed tech conference. So far I have Wallwisher, Edmodo and Ning, but would like to have one or two more. Chatzy, Twitter and Today's Meet are blocked (so sad). Anything I'm missing?

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Hello Heather. This may be a bit off topic, but will share any old how. I use and love a freeshare app call FreeMind, which you can download at http://freemind.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Download for either Mac or PC.

It's a basic but excellent mindmapping tool that works great in small & large crowds (5-500). I have used in in many brainstorming sessions successfully, and almost every outcome was positive. Authors use it map out new books, web developers use it to build great websites. You can use it for whatever the mind can bring forth. Building form & architecture seems to inspire many in a group.

Hope this helps. Jonathan
Although its not particularly flashy, I would highlight good old discussion board posts. Most online college courses require discussion board posts and its important that students are familiar with the format. I find that they need instruction on writing constructive, useful response posts. You can use nearly any tool to do this-- edublog, blogger, wikispaces, or moodle.



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