Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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Hi all - my name is Tara Bladow. I teach Middle School English for an online charter school in Minnesota. So yes, most days I am still in my pajamas at noon! I am also pursuing my Master's in Educational Technology.
Hello Classroom 2.0,
I am Andrew Cummings from York, Pennsylvania. I am a 7th grade history teacher and I am looking forward to exploring what this group has to offer. I really like to hear about what other educators are doing in their classrooms.
Hello everyone! My name is Alyssa and I am currently working toward getting my masters as an Educational Technology Specialist. I am looking forward to finding out new and innovative ways practicing teachers integrate technology into their curriculum.
My name is Jeanne Brown and I am an elementary school librarian in Central Pennsylvania. I am currently on sabbatical taking some technology courses so that I might enhance my teaching. After teaching for 25+ years this is a little overwhelming but so exciting. I look forward to building a new network of collaboration.
Hello! So I'm still new but figuring everything out. I teach middle school and am excited to learn new technology and classroom practices.
I’d like to introduce myself, I’m Tammy Maxson and I’m an Elementary Art Teacher from North Central Pennsylvania. I have been in art education for 13 years, and prior to that I was a computer graphic artist. I feel my students need to use more technology in the classroom to be competitive in this global landscape. I am trying to modernize my curriculum.
hi evry body, my name is mohamed i am from morocco. i am interested in meeting with peopel with whom we can exchange ideas about teaching.
Lori Diane Marsh from Montana. It's great learning about all the things that Ning can offer. I have set up an account for a graduate class I'm taking and it has been truly an eye opener as to how teachers can collaborate with each other. I teach 7th and 8th grade keyboarding/computers and I'm fascinated by how much I don't know. With each click of the mouse I find new and exciting ways to incorporate new technology in my classroom. Ning has been a great way to connect with other teachers across Montana. Montana is a very large and has rural, distant school districts. For some teachers, it a day's drive to anywhere and this is a great tool to keep in touch without the long car drive. I'm hoping to invite many, many educators from across the state to participate in my site.
Hi everyone! My name is Tricia Rilee and I teach high school art in Gloucester, Virginia. If you can find the Chesapeake Bay, you can find Gloucester. Currently I am teaching six preps which include everything from drawing, foundations, design, photography and yearbook. I am still new to Ning and am finding so many valuable resources and I cannot wait to collaborate with others!
Hello all!
Ashley Cross, 1st year, 1st grade teacher! Happily representing Nashville, TN.
I'm already obsessed with this website!!!!!! I love integrating technology into lessons and doing cool innovative things that make kids get involved!
I just started a class blog. When it really gets up and running I will post it on here.
I look forward to hearing all of your amazing ideas!
Hello Everyone, my name is Lorra Frese. I am an 8th grade Algebra teacher from York Pennsylvania. I have been teaching at the middle school level for seven years. I am excited to learn from the other educators in this network. I would love to hear your ideas on how to get students excited about math. I am interested in ways to integrate technology into my lessons.
Hello All--- Logging in from beautiful (?) Rogers Park, Chicago. I'm a middle school educator: former teacher, tech director, division head, and currently taking a year off to recharge and learn. As I find myself saying more and more, I'm learning more from these PLN's than I ever did in school.



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