I have found that a catalyst to successful integration of technology is "modeling". I can not expect teachers to integrate technology (web 2.0) unless I am willing to do the same. Has anyone made a conscious effort to "model" when it comes to using technology? What have you modeled?

Tags: leadership, modeling

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Yes. I have used Google Docs and Wikispaces when running staff meetings and PLCs. We also have used Google calendar for our club activities.
I am a teacher in the Education Department at Central Community College in Columbus, NE. I teach a class called "Instructional Technology." It is a class for pre-service teachers (college students) to learn how to integrate technology into their future curriculum activities. I use a pbworks wiki website for the basic activities of the class. Each student in the class has their own website page on the site, which they design on their own and use to upload and share various projects for the class. For many of the activities students do in class, they use a number of different Web 2.0 interactive websites (like creating quizzes on-line, designing cartoons using cost-free websites, using sites to develop interactive review games, developing unique photo editing processes using again, cost-free sites, and basically locating sites that will enable them to use the content there to create their own curriculum ideas). Virtually everything the students do in class is connected to using an available Web 2.0 site that will allow them to design and create a number of different learning strategies that I hope they will one day use with their own students. The "modeling" that I am trying to provide for the students is to show them that there is an abundance of ways they can connect with available Web 2.0 websites to design learning processes for their future students to use to enhance their own learning capabilities.
Thanks for the response. The modeling you describe for aspiring teachers is excellent. As a school administrator I have found that most of our new teachers coming out of college have had very little formal introduction to Web 2.0 tools.
Modeling is one of the true keys to a successful change in a school environment. Teachers, much like their students, make evaluations as to the credibility of those "in charge." If an educational leader requires something of those in their charge, they need to be able to show that they know and understand the tools and environment, and also, that they are willing to model other educational environmental elements such as collaboration, sharing, etc. Bravo to you for asking the question!!
Well said Erich. My sentiments exactly. As always, I appreciate your insight.



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