What's the best free application you've found that students can use to create a timeline?  I'm so frustrated!  The ones I've tried either do so little as to make them useless or I find I'm just getting a peek but have to pay to really get anything useful.  So many amazing applications are out there - I know there must be something that I'm just missing. 

I'd love to have one of those 3D programs, but that's not in the budget at the moment.  It would be nice to at least be able to insert pictures.  At the moment my Intro to the Humanities students need it, but this comes up in my various English classes as well.

Any tips?  Thanks!  Terri

Tags: applications, free, line, new applications, new programs, software, time, timeline

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Good to know! The quick look I took looked promising, but the proof is always in the kids using it. I've been know to use an app or two that didn't go over.
I like the student endorsements!

I noticed you mentioned 3d programs. You can use www.search-cube.com for a 3D cube google search for a time period. This is a really cool website, it is google based.

I thought I paid better attention to Google apps that this -but I've not heard of it. We'll definitely try that one!
If anyone is looking for a "Things-You-Should-Remember" type of game/timeline app, I am looking for teachers to help improve Whendidji.com.

Whendidji first takes on cultural literacy: what it it that we should all know in common; what core images and stories stay with us and bring us together?

A powerful reader can summon up mental pictures of major tales and events; she'll be comfortable reading the NY Times or WSJ, and not gloss over allusions to "crossed his Rubicon", Solomon's wisdom, Yorktown, Runnymede, "last stand", the walls of Jericho, "et tu, Brute?", etc. Helping kids become such powerful readers was the first goal.

Of course your classes are more specialized. I'm working right now to make it much more customizable, to cater to state standards, etc. That's the part that needs help. From teachers!

Still, if your students can make it through the first 4 1/2 levels of the main game, they can say they have a pretty good mastery of the notable events of the past 4000 years!
Thanks! I'll take my Seniors to this Monday and see what they think and how they fare. I'm heading there now to see how I do!
Terri, I would be very interested in your thoughts (or anyone else's) upon trying the app.

I'm developing in the boonies here, so its good to get any feedback!!
I'm in a rural area of Kansas; much of my PD is online, ask around, try anything!

Of course life intruded, as did ball games and pictures - give me a break! - so we didn't get to this as planned. I hope next Monday we can start with this. Wait - Inservice!! Okay, Tuesday, for sure....

Someone suggested beedocs.com to me as a possibility. He's had great luck with it and it's pretty "showy" for free!

Thanks everyone!!
Apologies to whoever visited this week and found the site not working. Should be better now.

Fun fact: it takes more than a dozen computer languages to render one page of this game. Sometimes the pieces-parts don't play well together!
We have released a new version of TimeRime.com



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