I'm curious what a number of you teachers and eteachers consider are the top ten Web 2.0 tools you use in the classroom. I think it would be interesting to compare the lists for some commonality. These may be free resources or resources that your school district purchased for the schools. Thanks!

Tags: 2.0, Web, resources, tools

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Here's a start:

google tools -- calendar, docs, earth, pages (which no longer exists)

animoto.com -- very cool photo/music delivery -- it does all the work and is free for educators (see my blog - carolinablueskies.edublogs.org --- to see an example at the bottom of the page

xtranormal.com --- Try digital storytelling with this little gem! Create a video with digital characters and it "says" whatever you type! Cool!

Twitter -- who doesn't love twitter?

Blogs (naturally)

Picassa -- photo posting and grabbing

Vocaroo -- voice recording

Facebook -- connecting online with old friends love it -- not so much for my students

Skype -- connection

Google -- scholar, reader, and financial -- cool as well.

greatdebate.org --- cool forum for generating debates for classes
Your session today at PETE & C was incredible! Bravo to you and the students :-)
I am looking forward to keeping in touch with you!
Karen Fiorillo
1) Google Docs
2) Animoto
3) Google Earth
4) Google Maps
5) Classblogmeister
6) Voicethread
7) Animasher
8) PBWiki
9) ClustrMaps
10) Audacity
google docs
google earth
In no particular ranking:
1. Animoto
2. Extranormal
3. Skype
4. Google Docs and a host of apps Google sponsors
5. Edublogs
6. Wikispaces
7. Discoverystreaming
8. VoiceThread
9. tinyurl; krunchd
10. Common Craft videos; the tubes (You, School, Teacher)
OK, here is my list off the top of my head (in no particular order):

Google (anything)
Zamzar (great for converting any type of file)
Meebo (nothing like having your chat rooms managed -- including those embedded in blogs)
MyStudiyo (quizzes)
Vizu.com (surveys)

I am sure I will come back in a few days and realize I missed a lot. I'll worry about this issue then... :)
Xtranormal is pretty much 1-10 for me right now. Ok 1-8 with wikis and blogs taking 9 and 10.
Jane's Hart has her annual Top 10 list-a-thon going now. It's always interesting to see what others are using. This year she has a category for learners.Could be an interesting project to get students to enter their top 10's.
Thanks for the new ideas... I have one that I didn't see listed. I won't list all of mine out, too many repeats.

Shelfari: Social Networking book shelf
Limiting the list to ten is hard, but I wouldn't want to do without these.
Google tools
Delicious (tagging and sharing features)
Flickr (creative commons licensing, places, and of course the photo features including picnik)
Twitter (great place to learn even when time is limited)
Slideshare (sharing presentations -- wonderful use of time)
Twiddla (really fun way to learn with a shared workspace)
Poll Everywhere (web polling from a computer or a cellphone)
Thanks for all the replies to this question. Excellent!
Great question and great answers.

On the issue of debate websites, which Jennifer mentioned (greatdebates.org) there are at least 7 free debate websites that I point to at the top of the post I linked to. I'm not sure which ones have interactive communities and which do not.



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