
I'm fairly new to this. I'd like to create a blog for class, and have students also created blogs to linked to my site. I know it can be done on Edublog, wordpress and tumblr. So how do you go about doing it? At the sites I've looked at, teachers have their page, and on the right side they have an alphabetized list of  students with links to their blogs. from what i've read you create some sort of administrator site that lets students be authors but restricts certain controls. can anyone help?


Eric Silvern

Animo South Los Angeles High School

Los Angeles, CA 90230


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I am using Blogger with teachers (playing the role of students). I really like Blogger for managing all the blogs that I need to follow. It terms of making you an admin and having restricted control for students, I don't think Blogger is going to help you here. Blogger do make post publishing easy as 1 - 2 - 3 however.

Our class blog was done with Drupal. The learning curve is steep but the results are worth it. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Only received a few replys maybe you missed this post. I'm trying to find best blogger sites that you use. And the easiest to create multi user account. I'm not real tech savvy, and I want to know how I can creat blog, that I administer, but that students can also create their own pages and they will show up on my page as links in alphabetical order. If you have been successful with doing this can you please suggest a good site where it is not to complicated to do.
have a great day,
Edublogs and blogmiestet might be what you are lookin for.
Edublogs is the easiest for creating lots of student accounts. Become a premium member (about $50) and you can upload student usernames, passwords, and blognames quickly and easily.
I know I should go investigate before asking butttt.....can I create six seperate blogs for each of my classes. How can I create a class/my page, that has links for each students blog on the page? How can I allow students to create and publish their own blogs but with some oversight?
Thank you,
Hi John,
I think I answered my own question on the bloggging. I checked out your site, especially 23 things course. How do you start? Where is the beginning of lessons. Is at the bottom of your blog? Great stuff.

I use Classblogmeister. I had the same questions that you had. They're great to work with. They have excellent tech support and it's free!! I have 10 classes registered. All posts and comments go through me for approval before being posted. I went to the Classblogmeister wiki and ning for tutorials. I also looked at Edublogs and wanted to use that, but it looked too costly for the amount of students I have. I've been able to embed different widgets into Classblogmeister - like Voicethread, Voki, Photopeach slideshows.
Good Luck. No Short cuts, you have to explore and find what works best for you.
Hi Eric,

Things start with Thing 1.


Super easy...

Just found out about it today.
Is it really free?



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