Students at Asher Public School are advocating the very serious issue of texting and driving. To facilitate this, we are collaborating via a Ning, project wiki, and Skype. If you'd be interested in joining our efforts, visit our Ning at: We currently have 61 members and representation in 4 states. This project is the epitome of 21st century learning. We are actively seeking further collaboration outside our state or within. Would this be an example of project based learning that you might have an interest in?
Contact info for Jane Krauss and Suzie Boss is on their blog ( or via the Twitter user names I included.
Neil Stephenson's blog is and he can also be reached via Twitter. His email is (There's actually info and a video about his Cigar Box Project on the reinventingpbl blog, too!)
Do you mean someone who lives in China or who would travel to China? If the former, you might contact Ren Wei and please tell him John Mergendoller gave you his name. If you give me more context about the workshops needed I could suggest individual leaders who would be willing to travel if conditions and pay were right.
The best person I can think of is Thomas Cooper ( This fellow sets up the most intersting projects that I've ever seen and he's interested in developing global partners. Please let him know that Sue Hellman recommended him.