A few teachers I work with are considering creating online portfolios with their high school students, or, creating a class blog for displaying and critiquing student work. Does anyone have examples of what other art classes have done along these lines? Thank you!

Tags: art, blogs, photography, portfolios

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I've used Blogger for displaying many things at once (Several videos on one same topic). I found the trick about keeping it organized was the logistics of the organization. So I ended up having several blogs all linked to each other.
Drop by and visit:

For a communication exchange program (Austrian - German / Mexico - Spanish) we used http://www.webs.com and set up an "old fashion" website for free that could keep the students in touch and showcase their work.
We decided not to go with a blog because keeping the projects organized by videos, fotos, and documents, would be easier for the teacher here. Also, she would receive a copy from everything said on the discussion forum, which made it easier to moderate - for her.
The photos and the discussion forum are password protected to ensure the kids privacy, but feel free to drop by and take a look around the public spaces to get a sense of how this could be adapted for your needs.
Hi There

I teach Media Art and all of my students have a blog. The link is to one of my students who I have had for three years now and it will be all of his work and more on it. It is an amazing way to have an electronic portfolio....and you can leave comments as well. All of their work is uploaded to the blog or a link is inserted.

I think his blogspot was an excellent vehicle for his digital portfolio. It is flexible and dynamic. He could embed videos and podcasts, the static pictures we see or links to other locations. I might have recommended a blog template that allowed for multiple pages. Once his posts start accumulating organization or indexing becomes an issue.

I have a class of fourth and fifth graders. Our digital portfolios are more generalized and they are building them in wikispaces. I struggled with the blog-wikispaces alternative and opted for wikispaces because I have social networking objectives.

Services like Photobucket allow you to embed multiple pictures into a slide show.

The picture above was done in chalk. A problem with digital portfolios is that they do not capture the quality of the original. The work is transformed into something different.
If you are looking for creative ideas on painting/drawing, visit
They encourage traditional drawing methods and offers a wide variety of holiday courses in Paris. Probably one of the best way to spend an art holiday in France. The school is in business since 1979 and offer classes for all skill levels in water colour, oil or simple drawing.
Blogging for kids, I like.. http://cyber-kap.blogspot.com/2010/01/kidblogorg.html

and for a digital portfolio I like... http://www.visualcv.com/gxrax29
Thank you for the ideas everyone! The teachers I was referring to in my original question ended up using weebly to create the portfolios. Once the portfolios are in place they are going to add the blogging component for feedback and critiques.
That sounds like a really nice idea.... i'd love to see some examples if you can share once they are in place. I am working with an art teacher in figuring out how she can blog with her students. The administration is not too keen on public blogs though...

I just stumbled back to this thread... we now have some examples to share with you!

These pages include class-wide portfolios plus student-created personal portfolios.  This page is a great example: http://cfhsphotography.weebly.com/digital.html.  If you scroll down the page you will see student portfolios that the students manage on an ongoing basis.  At the very bottom there is a link to student pages that were created for a final exam photography/photojournalism project.


Check out the links for the Critiques too - these are the blog pages.



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