Hi there! I was curious what web sites you send your students to? I usually recommend funbrain and yahooligans, but are there other sites you recommend kids can go to "have fun while learning" and that encourage reading? Thanks.

Tags: reading, resources, sites, web

Views: 185

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We use the Scott Foresman reading series, and the students can go to the Scott Foresman site and do fun activities that go along with the story they're currently reading in the basal.

Another one they really enjoy is Storyline Online. Kids love this site because they can listen to their favorite books being read by celebrities while reading along. My favorites are "To Be a Drum" read by James Earl Jones and "Dad, Are You the Tooth Fairy?" read by Jason Alexander.

Our school has a paid subscription to Tumblebooks too. They can read the books, listen to them, or even see them animated.
Thanks - we use all three of these!
Lisa -
Raz Kids is an on-line interactive reading site. The books are leveled. Teachers can keep track of what level students have accomplished or not. It follows the model of Response to Intervention and does it REALLY well. Students can read in school or at home. It is not expensive per year to order a class subscription. http://www.raz-kids.com/ Check it out.
I've collected my favorites with links on two blogs. http://onlinereadinggames.blogspot.com and http://onlinestoriesforchildren.blogspot.com
I just wanted to say thanks for collecting these resources together!
Yes thank you - I keep the Study Tools web page up on our school's web site, so I was looking for new links to add. You can check it out here and grab some for yourself:
Kindergarten and Grade One students like Starfall.com.
Check out "Into the Book" at http://reading.ecb.org/index.html
I also have my favorites listed at my teacher links web page (forgive the layout--I'm hoping to revamp my whole site over the summer). http://www.mrstg.com/teacher_links.htm
Here's one that your students will enjoy. www.starfall.com
There is a great megasite for kids that focuses on Alberta, Canada curriculum. Includes games, ways to present content, interactive whiteboard material, webquests etc. Kids can search by subject or grade or topic Also has sites grouped by holidays. Monitored by teachers with much of the content created by other teachers. www.2learn.ca
Thanks, Sally!
Under Science, I just put the Virtual Earthworm on my school's site as we will be studying earthworms in May.

Another vote for starfall.com

My kindergartners love starfall!



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