I am always interested in seeing what others are reading. Some of them I have picked up from here.
What educational blogs are you reading regularly?
Some of what I am reading:
A History Teacher
always learning
Educating the Dragon
Blue Skunk Blog
Cool Cat Teacher Blog

Tags: blogs, rss

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I'm a little more into the ed tech blogs

* elearningpost
* Internet Time Blog
* OLDaily
* ReadWriteWeb
* Weblogg-ed

I have 80+ blogs on my Bloglines but only look at a couple daily. One of my favorites is a young man named Dan Meyers. I like him because he is a lot of things I'm not
1. He's a mathematician--I'm not
2. He is an exceptionally good writer--I'm not
3. He's a deep thinker--I'm not
4. He's analytical---I'm not
5. He's a videographer---I'm not
6. He's young--I'm not

Dan is a third year teacher who really makes a difference, his students are lucky to have him. If you stop by to see him, you'll check back often.
This is why I asked this question. On first glance, that seems like a very interesting blog. I think it would have taken me a long time to find someone like that. I am not a big Math fan though :)
BUT, he is much more than Math. Check it out.
I saw that in just the few pieces I read about him, I was just trying to be funny.
I knew that, so was I.
I think that Tim Holt's Byte Speed blog and podcast is brilliant ad if you don't read it you are really really really missing out!

Byte Speed


Tim Holt's Mother
Mr. Holt's mother is pretty smart!
Hey Tim, is that your Mom on the front your blog page?
Pretty funny Tim Holt's Mother! tell him I'd like to see the Greece ppt
( ;
There are so many excellent educational blogs; I keep adding to bloglines daily and am currently reading 110 blogs for different reasons. It does depend upon your purpose in subscribing to blogs but I have to agree with Nancy that Dan Meyers blog is excellent for the reasons that she states. In addition,

1. He is brilliant - I am not
2. He is humorous - I am not
I recommend that you read through as many of his posts as you can because they offer a wealth of resources for all teachers and will stimulate your thinking about your own classroom practices.
Of course, I recommend my own blog if you work with struggling learners because I don't see a lot of emphasis on blogs about working with students with learning disabilities or learning challenges. www.teachingeverystudent.blogspot.com (scroll through older posts)
For ELL teachers, Larry Ferlazzo's blog is incredible.http://larryferlazzo.edublogs.org/

I DO subscribe to Tim Holt's blog and enjoy it!
and there are so many more.....
Here's well, how about a "metablog"--a blog of blogs, by Will Richardson. "Blogs on school bloggers, blogs on school blogging." Pretty vast...



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