This assignment was assigned in an Inclusive Practices Class.  We developed a PowerPoint that includes examples of strategies, how it is inclusive and the Educational Theorists that would support this type of learning.  This chapter includes, the role of vocabulary in a middle school classroom, how words are learned, rationale for engaging adolescent learners in active word learning and five strategies that promote active engagement (guess and check, vocabulary anchors, 3-D words, Greek and Latin roots and Video Words).  We focused mainly on Video Words, but examples are given of each of the other strategies.  The words that are included are an actual vocabulary list for Third Grade.

     Knowing a word well means understanding the word's meaning, pronunciation and spelling when it is spoken and read and using the word correctly in speaking and writing.  Actively enaging students with new words and with other students as they learn new words can promote vocabulary development.  Active engagement can also build a positive classroom environment and establish a community of learner who support each other.  This strategy can also be used for ESL students.  Chapter 6 ppt.ppt 


Brandi Knight, Erin Lopez, Sophie Youngs

Tags: ESL, adolescent, classroom, environment, vocabulary

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Thank-you Brandi!



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