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Hi Anna! Can you or one of the other group members please write a short summary of your chapter?
Ch 7: Comprehension Instruction for Older Youth starts off by mentioning the four dimensions in reading comprehension. They are: the reader, the text, the task, and the context. The instructional problem occurs when there is a disconnect between any two of these dimensions. Our group focused on the reading apprenticeship strategy. The teacher essentially plays a strong role in modeling for students how they should think during reading. Teachers should model these comprehension strategies across all subject areas. Students are going to need strategies for reading their science, social studies and math books, not just their reading books! Students can gain access to the "hidden codes" of language when teachers reveal their strategic thinking during read alouds. Here is a youtube video of what reading apprenticeship strategy might look like in the classroom:

Comprehension is tied to social interaction, which is linked to the theorist Vygotsky. This strategy starts out very much a social process! We also linked Piaget to the strategy because once students are familiar with the apprenticeship approach, they can internalize their thinking. This makes this strategy a cognitive view of reading comprehension as well.

The reading apprenticeship approach can be used as an inclusive practice in the classroom because it brings all students' experiences together to promote reading comprehension. Collaborative group work is also a component.

A PowerPoint that was used during our presentation is linked above!
Thank-you Lindsey!
Very nice summary Lindsey. I have been really sick the last week. I wasn't near a computer until this weekend of I would have been happy to have done it. I apologize that I wasn't able to help. I hope you had a great Easter and i will see you guys Tuesday!

I can't agree more with summary below. I am a grade 6 teacher and teaching students reading strategies across the curriculum is so important. They do not automatically transfer what you have taught them in one subject to the next.  Teaching them how to use the textbook - look for bold words, read the Titles and subtitles before reading the information and having the students 'think-pair-share' (or use other strategies) to help them start to access their background knowledge in the subject is all very important to help them comprehend what they are reading.




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