Has anyone had experience with software that will allow the teacher to see each student's workstation, control/lock the applications or internet sites they use, etc?    I am trying to locate software from my lab in order to help the students easier and to also keep them on task.    I've heard a little about SchoolVue and Netop but was wondering what others would recommend.   Thank you.

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Mike, you don't happen to work for the company, do you? Please identify if you do as this is a forum for teachers and educators, vendors should identify when they are "pitching".
Seems like most people really value iTalc. My problem is that I have NComputing bundled computers (where one CPU powers four monitors). The system is great for cost effectiveness, but limits the power of each computer. Has anyone else with a similar setup managed to get iTalc running? I've had problems because all four stations share a common IP address.

Justin, SchoolVue works great with NComputing. You can try it out for free at http://www.crosstecsoftware.com/educational/schoolvue.html
We've used SmartSync (smart.com) and it has great features. Our issue with it is that it doesn't work very well over our wireless. We are 1:1 laptop district and with anywhere from 700-1500 students all on their laptops, the wireless just can't handle it. My teachers love the features it offers, but others find it easier to use teacher proximity rather than the software.

Karen - We are going to be a 1:1 school next year and are looking at SmartSync as a possibility. Can you let me know what your Wi-Fi network specs are (i.e. bandwidth and brand/# of access points)? Thanks - Luke

I have heard about 'NETOP' , but have no idea about the software. Sometimes it becomes difficult to monitor the students when they are on their computers.
We use both iTalc and Netsupport School. iTalc certainly is priced right but as Amy noted above, has glitches. Netsuppport School has been great in keeping current and adding features over the years though the initial investment can be an obstacle. (that's why we use both...)

We have installed dual monitors on all the teacher desktops using these products. The teachers really appreciate having the monitoring software displayed at all times on one monitor and having a monitor to use "normally".
we tried Insight (Faronics) because it can handle a dual platform environment. not well though... like the other products mentioned, it really depends on network speed for wireless control, which is obviously essential in a 1:1 environment. It work fine sometimes, but other times not... the most reliable (and important) functions seem to be monitoring all students at once and screen lock/blank (you can customize the message, which can be fun!)
I found out iTalc will not be available for Windows 7 environments until the end of the year. So I'll look at some of the others. Thank you for the useful information.
I use iTALC in my lab and love it. I noticed that when I upgraded my graphics card some of the issues being shared disappeared. It is really nice having the ability to "lock down" the computers when things get out of hand. I love the ability to demo what we are doing on each screen while also projecting on the wall, this way no one misses out on instruction.
I also have NComputing (extendas) and have not experienced any of the problems that was mentioned, yet.
I have used the software Vision from GenevaLogic. It's pretty simple. The district is trying out NetSupport Schools Software. It's a bit more advanced and I'm just now getting use to it. I can see the students desktop, enlarge and takeover thier computers individually or as a group, I can"chat" with each student to give direcrtion and send out messages. There is alot more, but I haven't used it yet.
I would definitely recommend downloading the free trial of SchoolVue http://www.crosstecsoftware.com/tryit.html . Otherwise you can learn more about classroom management and 1-to-1 classrooms at this web conference: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/646175785



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