If you have begun, have joined in, or want to recommend public Waves to other members here feel free to let everyone know here in this thread.

There may be non-public Waves too. Perhaps you are involved in a Wave that the participants do not want to make fully public but they do want to know who would like to be added in to the Wave from here. Give a description and ask people to respond that want to be added to that Wave.

Tags: Wave

Views: 260

Replies to This Discussion

I'm an esl teacher in China and I have just developed a small website aimed at creating interesting conversation lessons for my students. I have embeded wave on this page http://www.englishcircles.com/collaboration.html and would be thrilled if people could join and help me continue this project.
I think I might have gone to far into the deep end on my first project, but if I can get people networked and interested then I think wave may be of enormous significance for the future of lesson design.
Good project :-) It is possible to embed the wave in such a way that it is viewable by the public even if they don't have a wave account. An example is here: http://www.quickquiz.info.

And to learn how to create secure public waves the information on this page is useful: http://poojasrinivas.com/googlewave/create-secure-public-waves.html
Rangoo, are you saying you can't see the wave?
It should be visible to anyone... I have enabled the public viewing.
What browser were you using? Can I ask you to check again?
Thanks for the help.
The wave is visible but others can't post on it since it's set to Public read-only.

There are two options for allowing users to comment on your wave but still keep it secure:

1. Use the secure public wave format which includes a private reply with public full-access for the comments. The information in the blips above that will be read-only and non-editable:

2. Use the Requesty bot which allows users to request to be added to the wave. Once you approve the request, they will be given full-access and will be able to edit the wave:
Install Requesty from here: http://wave.google.com/wave/waveref/googlewave.com/w%2B-pE27bZk82
Hey, thanks seeker!
I am able to see it now Tim. No idea what the problem was earlier. But because it is public read only, I am able to read but not able to post anything. With a private reply blip added below this will enable others to participate.
With a private reply blip added below this will enable others to participate.

I'm sorry Rangoo, do you mean it's possible for anyone on the site to contribute, not just those on the WAVE?
They will need a wave account to participate. I meant with public wave "read only" no one will be able to participate. With a private blip others who have a wave account will be able to participate.
I understand, thank you.

I visited the sites you and Seeker recommended, they are excellent, thank you again.

Tim ;0)
I thought I'd already posted this (maybe it got deleted - dunno)
On http://www.englishcircles.com I am attempting to encourage English teachers to collaborate on the wave.
We have a discussion wave, to develop ideas and share experiences, a sandbox to practice, and waves for lesson planning collaboration.
If you would like to join please visit the site ;0)

HAHA - many apologies for resending this, didn't realise the discussion was set to 'recent post last'.... silly me, sorry.

I will then ask, how can I invite the members of a group to my wave. I want to find a wave group of ESL teachers, how would I invite the whole group? - thanks for your advice.
Add the group alias to your contacts in Wave and drag and drop the group as a participant in your wave.

The only thing is waves sent to the group do not automatically show in your inbox and its recommended you create a saved search for it. Detailed instructions/videos here: http://www.poojasrinivas.com/googlewave/wave-for-discussion-groups....

If you want to share the saved search with others to make it easy for them to access the group waves, use a short URL service like bit.ly to create a redirect to the waves. For example, if you visit http://go.askrangoo.com/teachers you will be able to view the teachersonwave@googlegroups.com waves.
Thank you once again seeker... I'll get in touch should I have problems (which I'm having with my connection at the minute... is it China's distrust of Google, or is my bandwidth getting pinched by someone else?)



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