I am building a class website for 7/8 science and will have a journal page for each student.  I'd like to use a form of some sort that can be emailed to me and thought of Google docs.  Is it possible to embed a Google doc form into a webpage, archive work and use collaboration all from the webpage?  

If not, is there something out there that will do that?

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Hi, I have been using google docs and I have to admit that they rock. So far, I can tell you that unless your students have a google account, they won't be able to edit them. Additionally, if you want to share them using your page, you can get the share code for your doc and link it to your webpage. Keep in mind that powerpoint documents can be embedded directly in your webpage so people can see it directly from your page.
However, for the kind of use that you want for google docs, I would use a wiki. I have been using wikis for a while now in my EFL class and they are the best when it comes to collaboration among members. For example, I have a wiki in which my students are supposed to post their essays and class projects. Then, I correct the essays right in the same wiki and afterwards they edit them in the same page.

I hope it was useful :D
I would suggest trying this. Depending on your student base there are two ways to approach it. There is an educational edition for a smaller student base. Very inexpensive, but takes care of the login issue the previous person mentioned. However, if you have a large number of students to work with, there is a Portal edition that is free. It provides all the same features as the Premium edition with no costs. There is a sign up process with it, but certainly worth the time. If you run moodle there is an integration module that puts it right into the LMS. Hope this helps.
Why don't use Moodle or Mahara?
Have you tried Google Wave? You can embed waves in your website and access the same waves from your website and also at http://wave.google.com

You can view some of the ideas at http://www.poojasrinivas.com/googlewave and download a cheatsheet for using Google Wave at http://goo.gl/nGsD

Feel free to send me a PM or contact me on Wave (my alias is on the wave linked above) if you need to discuss this further.
Hi There!

Another online productivity suite that you might be interested to try is ThinkFree. I personally like their products for the following reasons:

- I used for group projects in college, so the collaboration functionality is great. I now use it on weekly reports with my colleagues.
- It's the most Microsoft compatible software.
- It can be used online or offline, and they even have a new Android app that I can use while I am on the go…
- It’s FREE!

Also, there are many schools that use the ThinkFree software for collaboration, specifically Conestoga Valley School District and Mesa Direct Learning Program.

Thought you would be interested!!




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