Hi I am looking for some help. I am a geography teacher from Sydney Australia. My uear 8 class are studying Globalisation at the moment. I am hoping to start a project where the students either design a poster about themsleves and Australia or respond to the issue of gloablisation. I would then like to have students/classes from around the globe (any age group, although preferbly high school) comment on their work. At the moment I am thinking of either using Voice Thread or Slidehare.


I hope someone can help me out. My class would really get a kick out of it.

Tags: Collaboration, classroom, geography

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Hi Miss Scib. I am in an Educational Technology master degree program and I have some classmates who are high school teachers and will be looking to start a global learning project at the end of this month as a fulfillment of our Global Learning Project assignment. Would you care if I shared your post with the two high school teachers that are my classmates and maybe they can email you and hopefully get something going?
Hi Jeannine. Thanks for replying. I would be more than happy for you to share my post with your friends. If they would like to email me my email address is sciberrask@olmc.nsw.edu.au

Thanks again
Great! I will do that! You are very welcome!
Good idea!

Dear Ms Schib

I am from Las Vegas, Nevada and teach a world history class (grade 10, age 15), my students are studying a variety of topics concerning Globalization. Would you be interested in working with us. My email address is stanley@interact.ccsd.net

Hi Thomas


This does sound good. We are currently on our summer holidays. Our new school year starts in February. I will email you then and perhaps we can start something up.


Happy New Year




This sounds great. i am looking forward to hearing from you. Tom

Hi Miss Scib,


I am a facilitator at a 4-11th grade paperless network project based environment in Florida, USA. I know that any/all of our students would love to look over your student work and provide feedback. They would also be really interested in sharing some of their work as well if you are up for it.


You can email me at jdsamyh@gmail.com if you want to set up a collaboration.


Take care,

Amy H.

Hi Amy


Sounds excellent, could be across a few years and subject areas. We are on our summer holidays and don't start our new school year till February. But I will email you then and we can set something up.


Happy New Year



Try glogster.com for posters. It's one of my favorite web 2.o's.



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