I have been using a blog and a wiki in my classrooms for a little over 2 months. I have them do scribe posts on our wiki. I have been having them find links that enhance the lessons we do in class. Our district recently had Will Richardson come and speak to us about social networking and using web tools in the classroom. Hearing him talk about his students using their blog to connect with the author of the book they were studying was amazing. I want that type of experience for my kids but how? I can't quite get my students excited about producing their own content on the web. I talk about global audiences and them taking ownership of their learning but it seems to them like just another task, like doing homework. How can we make mathematics come alive for these students? I love exploring the new tools like skype and jing. I can't wait for the day when that great idea comes to me and I have students collaborting with other students across the country or the world on something. If there are any ideas about projects or activities I could have my senior algebra/trig students or my integrated math 1 students try I would love to hear from you.

Tags: collaboration, math, maths, projects, richardson, will

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Hi All,

I don' t know how many of you have read Darren Kuropatwa's blog, but he is a math teacher doing some phenomenal work with students on the tools of Web 2.0. Anybody who is interested in the intersection between mathematics and Web 2.0 should certainly make themselves familiar with Darren.

As a side note, I have just started a new social network site designed to discuss specific content areas and how the use of technology can best promote learning within these subject areas. I'm hoping that many more content area teachers than "techies" join this social network site. This kind of a conversation is exactly the kind of conversation that I'd like to see on the site. http://www.teachingcontent.ning.com.
I'm not sure what aged students you have - but i'm assuming they are high school students.

If it's of any benefit, I have just recently set up a 'math problem of the week' page on our class wiki with my grade 5 students. At this stage, I have left it open to all students and it is optional for them to contribute any thoughts, ideas, possible solutions to the problem. This has been successful with a small group of kids, but I can now use this as an example for the rest of the class. In a few weeks, I am thinking that I may set up a few problems for groups of 5 or so students to work collaboratively on to solve. When I do this i will make it compulsory to contribute in some way, but hopefully the kids will be a little more excited by the idea and they will want to contribute.
Hi Darin,

How are you liking pbwiki? I am trying wetpaint wiki and I am trying to figure out how to use an equation editor. I see that you have been able to embed it in your website. Was it straight forward?

Hey Darin, I just came across your discussion. I wonder are you still using wikis and blogging with your students? I looked around your wiki and thought there was some really interesting stuff going on. I saw that the wiki was recently updated, but that the blog posts were a little older. I'm working with some teachers on blogging in the classroom and looking for examples to share and wonder if you would mind me using your examples?
I don't have specific suggestions but *please* take a look at Professor Steven Strogatz's column in the New York Times: http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/category/steven-strogatz/

I'm just out of high school but this is how I wish maths was taught to me. I think every teacher should read this column. I'm sure it will be of tremendous use to you. Please share it with your teacher colleagues :)
This is an awesome resource for your students and sounds right up your alley: www.ignitiontutoring.com

It's online tutors (via Skype) from top universities like Stanford. Their focus is on MATH but also "growth mindset" and independent learning. It's a great resource and really helps students -- check it out!



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