Hi All,
I'm looking to expand my Twitter contacts with folks who teach foreign languages. I am following some wonderful teachers who primarily teach French, and would love to add Spanish teachers to the mix to be able to share resources. I'll leave my Twitter user name here & please let me know if there are other resources for me to check out that will help me in my search. http://twitter.com/amor8
I am also looking for social networks specific to Spanish teachers. Thanks!

Tags: fl, microblogging, spanish, twitter

Views: 522

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For those who are interested, this month's edition of The Language Educator has an article about using FACEBOOK and NING in the language classroom.
Dear Sherry,
I've got this NING network created for my Students of Spanish: http://spanishlearners.ning.com/

Hi my name is Mayra. I am a computer Teacher and Grad Student. I am going to talk to my friend, teacher Ana because she teach french and our principal language is spanish!!!! My email is mayrasoto98@hotmail.com
see you
Dear Sherry,
I`m user of this NING network created for Spanish Teachers: http://eduredes.ning.com/


Enseno espanol en un pueblito en Iowa. La diferencia es que mis estudiantes (90%) son hispanohablantes. Mi tweeter es: http://twitter.com/teteiag
He tratado de hacer colaboracion con otros paises, pero con poco exito. Ojala Ud. tenga alguna idea o historia de exito para compartir y ayudarme.
Esther Vieira
Follow me @sabradley1972. I'm a Middle School Spanish Teacher in Hershey, PA.



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