Does anyone know of an elementary school in South Carolina, USA successfully integrating web 2.0 tools with curriculum standards? I have a day in October to go visit a school of my choice for my own PD.
I have started a few projects in my school this year and would enjoy seeing what is being done in my area and make some local connections.

Presently new learning in 2nd-5th grades include incorporating Voicethread, Skype, Logitech webcam email messages, wikispaces (very early stages), and my blog. Later, new tools we will add are podcasting, video and photo sharing and Blogmeister.

If the elementary level does not work out in time for planning, I will look at middle/high school too.
Thank you!

Tags: blog, blogging, elementary, podcasting, video, web2.0, web20, wiki

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Dutch Fork Elementary in Irmo (under the guidance of media specialist Valeie Byrd-Fort) might be good. Also Chris Craft of Crossroads Middle School does a lot with his sixth grade. He is in Columbia too.
Hi JoNelle,

It may be too much of a trip, but Mabry in Georgia does some nice things. ( I liked the idea of visiting Chris Craft of Crossroads, as well.
I just noticed that Dr. Tyson retired from Mabry. I hope they continue their innovative and inspired programs. The new website feels...ordinary.



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