Is anyone using a Moodle as a course management tool and can offer hints or suggestions?

Tags: Moodle, cms, course, management, moodle, syllabi

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I'm a newbie and have a question myself. How do students upload files into Moodle?
We use it but I'm not a big fan yet, but I haven't been using for very long so who knows what the future will hold.
I am using moodle at our school for teacher web pages. I am new to this is there some sort of easy instrustions.
Our district has over 50,000 students in 60 campuses. We are lucky that we have 27 Instructional Technologists who are assigned to support 1 – 3 campuses each. This intensive support has allowed us to train and support the teacher’s instructional technology needs.
In our district there are many levels of users. Many teachers are using forums, wikis, the journals, glossaries, databases, etc... Providing asynchronous learning opportunities has become the norm not the exception.
We are now adding a synchronous element to Moodle, Elluminate Live!
One thing we stress to teachers is that it is not about using “technology” because it is cool; it is about focusing on the curriculum then, finding the best tool to teach the kids the concepts.
Please feel free to contact me if you have some specific question. I am more than happy to help.
I was looking for info on Moodle for younger students and just bought the book Moodle 1.9 for Teaching 7-14 Year Olds by Mary Cooch from Pakt Publishing. I just started it and it looks complicated but you may find the book helpful. Once you get into it, I think it would be very helpful.
I have used Moodle for about three years or so now with good success. I have a course for each of the different subjects that I teach. I also have a course set up for my daily journal writing and math journal. My students usually pick up fairly quickly on how to log in to their individual accounts and how to respond to an assignment that I have posted. I must echo what many have already stated. You need to begin small and build your courses over time otherwise you can quickly become overwhelmed. Best of luck to you!

We have begun to use Moodle to host our courses and other resources for teachers. You can check some of it out with guest access at "" If you have any specific questions just let me know.
I put some Moodle links on this page for staff at my school (forgive me if you have seen them all before).

I have Moodle courses for each year group at my school but I also use many other tools, for example a class wiki (using Wikispaces) with which the students seem to feel feel far more ownership.
I've used Moodle for classes in higher education if anyone wishes to collaborate.
I am a college student perusing a degree in education. One of my instructors uses moodle as our class portal and I like it. All of our assignments, grades, and other information is all there for us to find. We even turn in all of our assignments through the system. From a student's perspective, this is the easiest system I have had to use in my coursework.
I am in college and we use Moodle for our education technology class. It is a very basic website and I find it very easy to follow along with. Compared to the other online sites we use to keep up with classes, moodle seems to be easier to navigate. Hope this helps!
Moodle is a great tool to share files. My IDS teacher uses it as a place to upload assignments (ex. readings and videos) and as a lesson guideline. Under each date, he puts what we will be learning about that day, what we are supposed to read prior to the class so we can come prepared, and any activities we'll be doing during class. Basically, it's a great way to let your students know what they are in for i.e. a detailed syllabus.



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